what a sick, twisted man!
No need to hide. This is his best selling point.
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe. Like the other show threads, anything broadcast in the US is fine; spoilers are verboten and will be deleted if found.
what a sick, twisted man!
No need to hide. This is his best selling point.
But honestly, that plot-point would have to have been part of a huge end-of-season arc, tail-spinning into a dark following season. You just can't bounce back from a story like that without disprespecting it. Not right away.
My timid little mind wanked it that the vial made Inara so poisonous that even touching her skin would kill you within seconds/minutes. And then I added drama that Mal finds her, physically unharmed, but it is her own means of defense that puts Mal's life in danger. Just lots of wonderful angst and hurt/comfort.
Hence, no trauma for me OR for Inara (*Tim cries*)
*dreams of puppy-dogs and unicorns*
This just posted to the SF Browncoats list. I pass it along to you without immediate comment. I may chime in later:
Dear fellow Browncoats- It has been my pleasure to make and distribute the Jayne repro shirts to many of you literally the world over. Through great organizations such as the So Cal, San Fran, and South East Browcoats, our shirts have been used to raise money for charity at Comic Con and Wonder Con for the past two years . Today, I recieved a letter from Fox Corporate "asking" us to stop producing anything related in any way to the Firefly Series. We do not compete with them for any business, since the only thing Firefly related they sell as far as I can tell the DVD set. It is my hope to contact Fox to try to work out some sort of licencing agreement with them, but since they apparantly care nothing for the series or the fans that they abandoned, I am sceptical that they will allow us to continue in any fashion- if anyone knows of any other contacts that I can use to help negotiate with them, it would be appreciated, otherwise, I will go back to other business- They have given me 2 weeks to cease production, so if anyone is needing anything, please let me know as soon as possible.... .......
Alex bluesunshirts. com
I'm also skeptical. FOX has always been incredibly tight with their intellectual property. They sent C&Ds to fan sites, over spoilers.
Yep. They got bagged. Tis over.
Ah, man! That's a downside of inside scoop. However many years ago, I wouldn't even have known where to find this info, much less get excited about a show before it was secured to air.
But now I know a Tim, and am tempted by his goods, and terribly sad for him when he doesn't get to display his wares to the world.
So sorry to hear this.
Is that for hisverse?
So, to be less cryptic; No Drive?
I was talking about Blue Sun tshirts.
Oh, oops! Tired and ditzy.
Take it all back. And wash my keyboard out with soap.