Just got directed over here by dcp (thanks!), Tzegha here from the OB. Just wanted to make sure if everyone here knows about the Serenity 'Versary and the BigDamnThankYou, two guerilla campaigns to thank Universal for Serenity, show our appreciation, and show that the Browncoats are alive, kicking, and growing.
So, two links:
Serenity 'Versary: [link]
BigDamnThankYou: [link]
(thanks again, dcp, for the pimp!)
Juliebird, thanks for letting us know. I'm not getting any of the graphics at bigdamnthankyou.com, just a bunch of red Xes as place holders. Also, where on the Prospero board is the Serenity 'Versary post?
bigdamnthankyou is fairly new, so I don't know if occassionally there are glitches. Just checked and all the images are up as of right now.
Here's the 'Versary thread: [link]
I'll go check the link I posted above... oops, yeah, general link, fixed now
Hi, Juliebird, great to meet you. Thanks for the links. I have duly sent my email of appreciation to Universal.
Hi, Tzegha! Nice to see you over here.
Hey, tzegha. Good to see you again.
(I wonder if my OB account still works.)
We met at the BCB, right? Were you... tall? (I was drunk or hungover all weekend, memory is really...fuzzy...)
Yup. I'm one of the Chicagoland Browncoats and their official reacher of high places.
Are you going to the Ball in SF this year? I unfortunately have to miss it due to lack of time and money.
same here, up to my eyeballs in debt, renovating the house for sale (not helping with the debt) and not even enough vacation to go home for the holidays.
On-Topic, read the unofficial script for Tim's idea (what a sick, twisted man! *hides from T*), and there just wasn't enough! Felt like half an episode.
Otherwise, I really really liked it.