In Edinburgh, me and my friend Kirsty got on to the red carpet at the Serenity (actual world) premiere at the film festival. I stood there, with a crap home MiniDV camera in hand, whilst Kirsty fished out a microphone which resembled (and possibly was) a karaoke one. Some security guy came up, but I protested and we stayed. Hurray!
Anyway, we interviewed everybody (including Nathan, who seemed to shout things at us, and Adam Baldwin, who totally realised we were fans - Kirsty had a giant Serenity patch on her coat which was possibly a small giveaway). And everything was great. Nobody geeked out. And then we got to Sean Maher.
And Kirsty drooled over him. Like, a lot. She grazed into his dreamy eyes and drifted off into oblivion. Hell, I almost did the same, and I'm not gay. He is, as some may suggest, a very pretty man.
Serenity is on HBO right now. AIFG!
Sean Maher is nothing but beautiful.
Although I want to shop at Alyson's grocery store now. :)
Speaking of Mr Pretty, an interview.
Apparently, Universal have up to 3rd quarter 2007 to make a decision on a sequel, or it sails away to legality abyss.
Also, Joss has some nice things to say about Timmy, which I'll post in the Minearverse.
Some excellent
vids here.
Just got directed over here by dcp (thanks!), Tzegha here from the OB. Just wanted to make sure if everyone here knows about the Serenity 'Versary and the BigDamnThankYou, two guerilla campaigns to thank Universal for Serenity, show our appreciation, and show that the Browncoats are alive, kicking, and growing.
So, two links:
Serenity 'Versary: [link]
BigDamnThankYou: [link]
(thanks again, dcp, for the pimp!)
Juliebird, thanks for letting us know. I'm not getting any of the graphics at, just a bunch of red Xes as place holders. Also, where on the Prospero board is the Serenity 'Versary post?
bigdamnthankyou is fairly new, so I don't know if occassionally there are glitches. Just checked and all the images are up as of right now.
Here's the 'Versary thread: [link]
I'll go check the link I posted above... oops, yeah, general link, fixed now
Hi, Juliebird, great to meet you. Thanks for the links. I have duly sent my email of appreciation to Universal.
Hi, Tzegha! Nice to see you over here.