Shiny Serenity "ornament" - little little die-cast scale model, on sale at TFAW. Pretty. Just ordered mine.
Firefly 4: Also, we can kill you with our brains
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe. Like the other show threads, anything broadcast in the US is fine; spoilers are verboten and will be deleted if found.
If anyone's interested, has a low-res .mov version of the "Doing the Impossible" documentary for downloading.
I get a toaster!
But I also have Toaster Guilt now. My friend is addicted to Firefly, keeps IMing me to tell me his favorite scenes and lines...and it's all going to be over for him so soon!
Raq, thanks, I for one hadn't seen that Wired article. Have you seen this older one by the same author? Note her email address at the bottom.
Chicago 'istas, Serenity will be the midnight movie at the Music Box on November 3 & 4.
Somebody gave this confused person a column. [link]
Jonah Goldberg: Although he has no aptitude for or real interest in politics or punditry, he could kick your ass in D&D.
Gus, step away from National Review. Besides, who could give any credence to someone who is comfortable with semi-colons and Capital Letters cohabitating like that?
Besides, who could give any credence to someone who is comfortable with semi-colons and Capital Letters cohabitating like that?
Plus anyone who thinks the Alliance is representative of a democracy, as opposed to being a quasi-totalitarian/fascist stand-in, has been getting into the monkey crack hardcore (and not the good monkey crack).
Quasi-totalaitarian fascists have been known to get elected democratically.