I see a similarity between what Apple is doing and what DirectTV is doing
What is the similarity? Why is it more similar than pay per view, or purchasing a cd single?
'Heart Of Gold'
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe. Like the other show threads, anything broadcast in the US is fine; spoilers are verboten and will be deleted if found.
I see a similarity between what Apple is doing and what DirectTV is doing
What is the similarity? Why is it more similar than pay per view, or purchasing a cd single?
Yeah, I don't see the similariry, either. Apple isn't charging people a previous product that it had offered for a monthly fee. It's simply providing an alternate conduit for something from another media. Content previously unavailable through it's service.
Apple isn't trying to pull a fast one, it's offering an alternative to people who either didn't record the programs, or didn't want to do any ripping of dvds just to watch. In the process, it is charging an agreed upon fee for the service.
Right up front it is giving people a choice: Buy it or don't. TANSTAAFL.
Gawd help me. ita is is throwing down with me. My demise is on the horizon.
Why is it more similar than pay per view, or purchasing a cd single?
In no wise. How do either of these originate content?
How do either of these originate conten?
I seem to recall you having a problem with distributors. If the studio charged you the $1.99, would you feel better about it? Or if the producer charged, or the writer...
Apple is providing a service to the studios by distributing their content. They charge a margin, and both parties make some money, somewhere, or they wouldn't be doing it.
The writer could charge me.
both parties make some money, somewhere, or they wouldn't be doing it.
Really? Sure. Some portion is returned to the studio. What is returned to the creator? Zip-squeal, nada.
The writer could charge me.
Why not the director? Or the actors?
What is returned to the creator? Zip-squeal, nada.
How do you know this? Surely it is dependent on the contract in place, and that will vary from show to show.
Gus, iTunes now figures into studios calculations of revenue streams when evaluating future projects. iTunes is actually enabling the creation of content that in the past would be nixed.
iTunes and similar delivery methods enable genre and niche entertainment to get greenlit in the first place.
Your logic is pretty faulty without all the facts.
New distribution methods always creates new product.
How do you know this? Surely it is dependent on the contract in place, and that will vary from show to show.
I do not know this, actually. Point to ita. Is anyone able to demonstrate how this model has made Nathan or Joss richer?
Tamrara: Studios. Studios are not the creators. They package the creations.
Yeah, but the creator makes no money if said creations are not packaged.