Firefly 4: Also, we can kill you with our brains
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe. Like the other show threads, anything broadcast in the US is fine; spoilers are verboten and will be deleted if found.
UNTITLED DEBORAH KAPLAN/HARRY ELFONT PROJECT (ABC) - Julie Bowen ("Ed"), Michael Landes ("Special Unit 2") and Alan Tudyk ("Firefly") have all joined the cast of the single-camera comedy pilot, about the dating lives of a group of thirtysomething singles in Philadelphia. Bowen will play Jane, who's described in the casting notice as: "Late 20's-early 30's, any ethnicity, pretty, smart, demonstrative, upbeat, romantic, and definitely a "blurter." Although she could be considered a bit flaky when it comes to relationships, Jane owns a bakery, so she's got it together in that area of life. She was dating a handsome doctor [yet to be cast] before she hit it off big time with Sam [yet to be cast]. That was six weeks ago. Jane still hasn't gotten around to dumping Dr. Steven - but that's because she's not quote sure where she stands with Sam. In an effort to save face, she lets her best friend, Paige [yet to be cast], talk her into joining her at a blind date restaurant."
Landes then is set as Todd - "Late 20's-early 30's, any ethnicity. Attractive, charismatic, womanizing, gregarious, compulsive, easily bored, and a whiz at rationalizing, Todd is one of Sam's closest friends. Todd is one those guys who can get away with anything. He is forever searching for the perfect girl, car, life, and doesn't plan on settling for less any time soon. Todd works with Sam at a telecommunications company" - while Tudyk will play Oakes - "Late 20's-early 30's, any ethnicity. Brainy, edgy, prone to melancholy, awkward with the ladies, he's an odd bird who left Harvard following his quasimeltdown in the library. Oakes now lives alone at his parent's mansion. (They moved to Europe after his college fiasco). Oakes has a unique view on most topics, but sometimes can be too smart for his own good. He has been Sam's pal since childhood." Touchstone Television and The Untitled Burke/Tarses Project are behind the project, which was created by Deborah Kaplan and Harry Elfont.
Yay! Any Tudyk is good Tudyk. But what are the chances of us ever actually getting to see this?
Would it be very selfish of me to wholeheartedly wish that it crashes and burns so he'll be nice and free to go back to Firefly WHEN it gets a new series?
I seem to recall something about not being able to go back to TV for 5 years in the contract with either Fox or Universal. So plenty of time for AT to do a sitcom or three as long as he can take time off for the second and third movie.
At different points the rumor was 5 or 10 years, but in any case Joss debunked it at Wondercon. (Nathan admitted he was the one spreading it.) I'm sure the rights situation would still be sticky, but there's nothing ironclad.
Nathan admitted he was the one spreading it.
Begging for a spanking, is he?
I'm sure there'd be lots of volunteers for that.
We also watched all of "Band of Brothers" over three days.
Just did this, to follow up the Firefly obsessive viewing. MUCH better this way, I agree. Plus, just possibly the best war movie ever made.
I watched most of Buffy one ep per day, same withe Due South. Angel was a two-ep-per-day, because I had the DVDs (and didn't like it as well, so no saving it). Honestly, it's a much better way to watch a show than the weekly, may be pre-empted, you may have a date, old way to watch.
TiVo and DVDs are my gods.
MUCH better this way, I agree. Plus, just possibly the best war movie ever made.
I've got to remember to get the VCR revved up the next time History Channel does its two-day mini-marathon of BoB, which usually take place over a military-holiday weekend (I figure the next showing will probably be either during Memorial Day weekend or the following one, for D-Day). I love this series, especially the way that they slowly suck you into these men's lives, so that by Bastogne, you really grieve over the loss of the soldiers you've gotten to know so well over the past eight episodes. The ep where Babe Heffron is so broken up when they have to leave his buddy behind dying in the snow reminded me of just how young the GIs were--he looked not much older than my 14-year-old nephew.
A co-worker had a weeklong business trip, so I let him have my entire Firefly set. He's a huge old Buffy/Angel fan, and it was great discovering him here.
He'd never watched any Firefly. Big old traitor with a Friday night life.
He's so in love. He watched three disc's worth, including on the plane where he caught lots of people's interest, and cheerily plugged the upcoming movie to them too. This makes three for three with co-workers. Such a joy.
When he's done this, he also has my Wonderfalls. Lucky bastard, seeing all this for the first time all at once.