Firefly 4: Also, we can kill you with our brains
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe. Like the other show threads, anything broadcast in the US is fine; spoilers are verboten and will be deleted if found.
We also watched all of "Band of Brothers" over three days.
Just did this, to follow up the Firefly obsessive viewing. MUCH better this way, I agree. Plus, just possibly the best war movie ever made.
I watched most of Buffy one ep per day, same withe Due South. Angel was a two-ep-per-day, because I had the DVDs (and didn't like it as well, so no saving it). Honestly, it's a much better way to watch a show than the weekly, may be pre-empted, you may have a date, old way to watch.
TiVo and DVDs are my gods.
MUCH better this way, I agree. Plus, just possibly the best war movie ever made.
I've got to remember to get the VCR revved up the next time History Channel does its two-day mini-marathon of BoB, which usually take place over a military-holiday weekend (I figure the next showing will probably be either during Memorial Day weekend or the following one, for D-Day). I love this series, especially the way that they slowly suck you into these men's lives, so that by Bastogne, you really grieve over the loss of the soldiers you've gotten to know so well over the past eight episodes. The ep where Babe Heffron is so broken up when they have to leave his buddy behind dying in the snow reminded me of just how young the GIs were--he looked not much older than my 14-year-old nephew.
A co-worker had a weeklong business trip, so I let him have my entire Firefly set. He's a huge old Buffy/Angel fan, and it was great discovering him here.
He'd never watched
Firefly. Big old traitor with a Friday night life.
in love. He watched three disc's worth, including on the plane where he caught lots of people's interest, and cheerily plugged the upcoming movie to them too. This makes three for three with co-workers. Such a joy.
When he's done this, he also has my Wonderfalls. Lucky bastard, seeing all this for the first time all at once.
How much do I love the pimping on the plane?
so. very. much.
I need a more powerful battery for my iBook for my next plane trip...or an extension cord from business class...
I wonder if the screens in airplanes have DVD players, now....
Now I'm wondering if some sort of Guerilla marketing couldn't be done. Show an ep, followed by a plug for the Movie and DVDs.
"Show two, the rest are food."
No, wait--
For those who do the Hollywood Stock Exchange, Nathan Fillion is IPO'ing today, code NFILL. Buy Capt Tightpants!!
Oh God.
I imdb'd Fillion's next movie...Slither? ...zombies?
This. After Water's Edge, this so bodes ill for his non-Whedon film career.
Sad. So sad.
not dissing zombies as a genre...if you are inta that kinda thing...
Hey, there's nothing cooler in the world than zombies.
Although, IMDb says it's directed by the dude who wrote both Scooby Doo movies, which is somewhat more worrisome.
But hey! It has Jameson's secretary from Spidey 2!
He did also write the Dawn of the Dead remake, but that is not too much of an improvement.