Tater Tits.
Betcha can't eat just one...
(Carlin's line, not mine.)
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe. Like the other show threads, anything broadcast in the US is fine; spoilers are verboten and will be deleted if found.
Tater Tits.
Betcha can't eat just one...
(Carlin's line, not mine.)
Ace Underhill can't be a real name.
Anyhoo, I'm going to do a second season of Firefly in alternative media (stick-figure Flash animations on a slow website), and if Joss doesn't want me to, he should have Nathan call me.
Ace Underhill, any relation to Lacy Underalls?
Raq, shouldn't he talk to you in person? Y'know, to really convince you?
aurelia you make an important point, but you know, I'm worried for Raq. What if she's taken in by a celeb impersonator. Maybe we could run point for her, on this one? I mean, she's a fellow Buffista, on a difficult foreign assignment, and the mother of a child who is not yet one year old. One woman can only do so much, you know?
You know, that's what I love about you guys - you're always there for me. Throwing yourself into the britches breach.
Hey, if you need a point woman on this one, I'm available. (and by "available" I mean...)
Firefly in alternative media (stick-figure Flash animations on a slow website)
I would sit here and watch it load. I am sad and pathetic in this way.
I would sit here and watch it load. I am sad and pathetic in this way.
And I would put it on Whedonesque. (But not with the quotes for the username of the author. Honest.)
I wanna talk about fandom. It seems to me that there are different ... call them degrees ... of fandom. There are fans of the show, fans of the actors, fans of the writers, fans of the production (Zoic, costumes, ... whatever).
I think I am a fan of the 'Verse. Which is all about Joss. Make that "Mr. Joss Whedon".
And Tim.
"Sir Tim"
However, this was about degrees of fandom. All my manic behaviors related to Firefly have not gone away, behind Serenity. I have even sent money to some jackhole on the Internet (which was refunded!), on the off chance that it might make more 'Verse.
Joss and Tim might go on to other things. More power to them! The dollars there are shiny!
Here is my degree of fandom, though. I will be hanging out on my nearly-broken ship, with my posse of folks I have elected to call family.