Apparently he spoke to Tim's agent, who said he was booked until May.
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe. Like the other show threads, anything broadcast in the US is fine; spoilers are verboten and will be deleted if found.
Apparently he spoke to Tim's agent, who said he was booked until May.
That's probably "booked until May of two thousand FOREVER."
I keep thinking I should jump into the fray. And then I take my meds.
Also, I'm verily impressed. I'm not quite certain that Matt would take a call from me, yo. And I'm not a crackpot.
I don't think it's worth jumping into the fray. This thing will fizzle itself out when FOX refuses to discuss selling the rights, and nobody has to be the "bad guy". Besides, if it ever gets dangerous to the franchise, somebody from inside the camp will let the craxies know to cool it.
I'm not sure whether email Haken or make popcorn.
What's the right thing to do?
Apparently he spoke to Tim's agent, who said he was booked until May.
That's probably "booked until May of two thousand FOREVER."No. It's May the day never come.
OK, so Miranda has a blue sun. But no mention of Blue Sun Corporation in the movie. Also no hands-of-blue guys (which is fine with me).
At least one of the bottles Jayne drank from was Blue Sun branded.
At least one of the bottles Jayne drank from was Blue Sun branded.
Yup, the bottle that he passed to Simon after Mal's big speech.
Also no hands-of-blue guys (which is fine with me).
The blue hands are dealt with (and very unsatisfactorily, IMO) in the 3 Serenity prequel comics.
The blue hands are dealt with (and very unsatisfactorily, IMO) in the 3 Serenity prequel comics.
Yeah, I know. I was saying no Bluehands in the movie.
I didn't notice the bottle was Blue Sun brand. That's cool, but still a bit off the path the series established for the corporate/government Big Bad.
Which, you know, fine, as the movie's a movie, and not a series ep (even if it seemed like one at times).
Maybe the Blue Sun Corporation got bought out by Fruity Oaty Bar, Inc.