The blue hands are dealt with (and very unsatisfactorily, IMO) in the 3 Serenity prequel comics.
Yeah, I know. I was saying no Bluehands in the movie.
I didn't notice the bottle was Blue Sun brand. That's cool, but still a bit off the path the series established for the corporate/government Big Bad.
Which, you know, fine, as the movie's a movie, and not a series ep (even if it seemed like one at times).
Maybe the Blue Sun Corporation got bought out by Fruity Oaty Bar, Inc.
"Wait -
are you again?"
Not sure if this is even worth posting, but...
A spokesman for Joss Whedon, creator of Firefly and its spinoff movie, Serenity, told SCI FI Wire that Whedon hasn't heard of Ace Underhill, an entrepreneur who said he is trying to acquire the rights to the SF TV franchise for purposes of mounting a second season to be distributed in alternative media. "Joss doesn't really know anything about that guy, and I don't really think he has a comment," Whedon's spokesman said in response to questions about Underhill's efforts.
For his part, Underhill told SCI FI Wire that he has contacted Whedon's representatives about starting up a new season of Firefly, which the Fox broadcast network canceled after a single season in 2003, but hadn't spoken with Whedon directly. Whedon previously told USA Today that he still hopes to tell more stories set in Serenity's futuristic universe, but added that there's no chance he'll do another Firefly TV show.
In response, Underhill said in an interview: "If he contacts me and says, 'Hey, we're not interested in Firefly anymore' or 'I'm not interested in Firefly anymore,' then I will abandon the project, and essentially it's over at that point. I'm not looking to create a cheap knockoff of the series without Joss' input. So that's not going to happen. ... If he's not going to be involved, then there is no project. There's no point."
Oh, so Joss has to contact him.
How cute.
Oh, so Joss has to contact him.
Joss: Ok, you wanted me to call, I'm calling. Shutty.
Ace: Ok Joss I understand, btw I have this script...
Dude. I like this business approach. Now I am going to start a movement to canonize Tim as Saint Tim of The Doyle-Killing; if he doesn't like it, he can contact me.
Dropping a web-host's name will someday get a movie made.
Right after that, it will be "Allyson Presents..."
Check me in ten years. See if I'm wrong.
Betsy, Tim actually would give you a ring, though.
Probably to talk Sondheim, but at any rate, he at least you know, knows you.
He even revealed that a bookmaker had contacted him to gauge the odds of his success for purposes of wagering.
I wonder if the bookmaker works for Ace's online gambling site.
I'm changing his name to Ass Underhill.