don't count for any more than the original TV
I'd say it depends on the box office and the paycheck.
fails on the box office front, but I don't know how much he was paid for either, and how much of his intended future audience saw either movie and rated it/him favourably.
Mostly, though, I was challenging "continuing SF roles" -- I had no idea you meant from TV when you said it. Carrie Ann Moss might disagree with the literal interpretation.
Hooooooly Cow.
I think the woman in the seat next to me is having a breakdown of some sort. She's all rambling and paranoid and I have ZERO idea what to do.
We started the same day, she's only been here two months, nobody knows her really. And I don't want to get her in trouble.
She doesn't sound like she'd hurt herself. I suggested she take her lunch and walk and get some air but that was mostly to get her away from me so I could panic in peace.
What the hell do I do?
Trudes, do you mean to be posting in here?
Ouch, Trudy. Wish I knew what to suggest, other than going for a long walk yourself.
eek! wrong thread! moving now!
Carrie Ann Moss might disagree with the literal interpretation.
Is Carrie Ann Moss getting offers outside the genre ghetto?
Is Carrie Ann Moss getting offers outside the genre ghetto?
We don't talk as much as we used to, so I couldn't tell you. She has worked outside the genre ghetto, so I'd assume some of them are offers.
I'd also assume she made decent bank.
Surely you're not saying that recurring SF movie roles are
or always trumped by Broadway or other movies, though?
Surely you're not saying that recurring SF movie roles are bad or always trumped by Broadway or other movies, though?
I'm saying that if you want to be taken seriously as a character actor, a recurring role in an SF show is not your best bet. You want to show versatility, and a recurring role is bad for that, and you want to be taken seriously, and an SF show is bad for that.
But, hey, I'm not in the industry; I could be talking through my hat.
I'll tell Carrie Ann she should be returning your calls.
Alan didn't opt out of a recurring role in a TV show, though.
But I already said that a recurring role in a movie based on SF tv is equivalent to a recurring role in the original TV show. None of the original Star Trek supporting actors is considered a movie star, even though they're in hit movies.