Tim never jumped ship, and Joss wasn't on this one. You'll need other data to support your point.
Or you could just contemplate the Kristen ass.
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe. Like the other show threads, anything broadcast in the US is fine; spoilers are verboten and will be deleted if found.
Tim never jumped ship, and Joss wasn't on this one. You'll need other data to support your point.
Or you could just contemplate the Kristen ass.
t contemplates the Kristen ass
This is so wrong. Yet, I must. Kristen ass trumps all lesser issues.
I really didn't intend for this conversation to go in the direction of my ass.
::averts eyes::
I think that The Nice Guy's original take on Firefly was linked here,
But I don't recall that the follow-up was,
Uh, that second link is of questionable safeness for work.
Boston-area-istas, there's a one night showing of SERENITY at the Brattle theater on 11-20-05. From what I understand, the Brattle is on the ropes finance-wise, so any movie you go to see there will help them out (they have to raise X amount by the end of the year or they're done).
Looks like it will also be playing at that second-run in Quincy for another week at least, as well.
This is too cute. A friend of mine (who had my Firefly DVDs for a couple of months) became a grandad last night. His grandaughter's name is Kaylee and he notes "And by the way, believe it or not, I had nothing to do with the name. Kind of amazing."
Just passing along this info.
Win an Official Australian Serenity Theatrical poster signed by Joss AND Nathan Fillion, Summer Glau, Morena Baccarin, Sean Maher, Jewel Staite, Gina Torres, & Adam Baldwin! SoCal Browncoats Food Drive Browncoats Against Hunger
The SoCal Browncoats are hosting a food and fund drive to benefit the Los Angeles Regional Foodbank [link] at FLANVENTION December 9th – 11th 2005 There are many ways you can get involved, from financial and goods donations to volunteering at our table for the weekend. For every $1 or single non-perishable item you donate you will receive one raffle ticket for our shiny prize raffle and secure credit card donations can be made online. We have many shiny prizes and the grand prize is an official Australian movie poster signed by Joss and seven cast members generously donated by Universal! We would gladly accept more prize donations so if you have an item you would like to donate please contact us at SoCalBrowncoats-owner@yahoogroups.com Get all the details at [link]
Click Here to donate online [link] Many thanks to Denise and Garth at Wash-o-saurus.com for designing and hosting our webpages!!!
Netflix just informed me the movie, Serenity, will be released Dec 20th.