amyth, hon, I'm gonna have to pass, in spite of my most valiant attempts to persuade myself otherwise. I'm already missing some work that week, and there's just no way I can get back at 4 am and still function. Wah.
Crushing sadness! Seriously. But I understand. I had a meeting with my boss earlier in the week where I essentially said, "I know you're taking the 24th off, and so is J., but if I get tickets to this thing, I'm taking the 24th off and I'm taking smonster with me." Considering this will leave no one in the office except for our temp who starts on Monday, she was surprisingly cool about it. Thank dog for the temp!
No idea what the capacity is though.
In Boston, it was six hundred something. Might not be in one of the big theaters this time, though.
Same theater, Jon.
D'oh. Same cineplex; not necessarily same theater. I get what you're saying.
Matt, thank you, but I'll be at least four hours from Memphis (30 minutes east of Nashville, to be precise) and engaged in some family business that sadly will not involve cement shoes, so I couldn't guarantee I could get to Memphis that day. Alas. I resign myself to waiting.
Were there empty seats at any previous screenings anywhere but SF? I remember glaring resentfully at a score or more in May and muttering darkly about the discussion here the night before about scalpers.
I remember glaring resentfully at a score or more in May and muttering darkly about the discussion here the night before about scalpers.
Search, and ye shall already find: [link]
At that e-bay link, did you see that someone is trying to sell a block of 15 tickets for Boston?!?
Well, I think I did it! Maybe.
I was just about to give up and go for lunch when the blue time came up! I clicked! I gave them my credit card information! I think it went through!
No confirmation number or email yet. And now the time is grayed out.
Smooches to Kalshane and Hiddensky for the sooper-sekrit link thingy, and cross your fingers that it actually worked!
Abby, did you get a "Your purchase went through!" type notice on the website after you clicked on Purchase ticket? If not, you might have missed out (that's what happened to me when I tried to buy tickets for the first preview).
Kathy A, yes. That makes a total of 17 on there, making me just a little bitter. The thing is, it's coming out in September! It's not such a huge deal to see it early that anybody ought to be paying over ticket price. I hope they get stuck with the tickets. On the other hand, I'll be pretty bitter over empty seats, too.