Abby, it looks like they're not onsale yet. 10:00pm should show up in blue on this page when they become available. [link]
Firefly 4: Also, we can kill you with our brains
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe. Like the other show threads, anything broadcast in the US is fine; spoilers are verboten and will be deleted if found.
Searched by the date. I could get tickets for Batman Begins, but I'll take my chances when I decide to see it.
Can't find a place to search for special advanced screening. I can search title, date, genre, rating, zip code, starring, director, writer, producer, studio.
So far, the automated phone line tells me nothing. I am annoyed.
Oh! Thanks for that link Kalshane! I shall now commence repeated refreshing! Yay!
Just bookmark Kalshane's link above and keep refreshing - seems like noon would be a likely time for them to go up. As he says, the time of the screening will show up in blue when they go live - until then, it just won't show any showtimes. His sneaky link worked for me.
Charlotte's up, bought six.
amych, at least one of those is yours, if you want it. So far, the only two definitely claimed are smonster's and mine.
ETA: Dude! And sold out already? How is that possible? *boggles*
Are there that many of us?
Charlotte's up, bought six.
oooOOOoooh. If you end up with a leftover I'd cheerfully tag along, but I a) don't want to be a jerk and demand one and b) don't want to go alone.
You're welcome. Though to give credit where it's due, Hiddensky figured out the URL formula upthread, I just plugged in the neccessary numbers.
Kiba--one of them is so yours.
Glad you're coming!
Dude! And sold out already? How is that possible? *boggles*
Holy carp! I just checked, like, minutes ago and they weren't even up yet. I will check with S. and see if he's interested and get back to you on ticket counts.