I think I'd go River, because her clothes are so easy (pink peasant skirt and red sweater? I can totally do that) and because she seems like one people aren't dressing up as all the time. I don't have the build for it at all, but my coloration is half-right.
Summer Glau is a cutie, and I'm short, and some people equate short with cute, so there you are. We're just alike.
I don't mean this in a taunty way, but just to report in, I will say that the movie is fan-fecking-tastic. Really. It's hard to be impartial, since I have seen the show and grown to love it, but I can say that I haven't been so engrossed in a movie since, well, I don't know how long. It's everything you'd want a movie to be. I can't wait to see it finished and to bring all my friends. I think I earned a toaster, too, because the friend I brought remarked "I think this will be good for dvd sales. I know I want to see the show now."
So, to echo everyone else, the news is good.
Loving the thumbs-upses. Four months. I can deal.
I have a Serenity keychain!
There were keychains? How did I miss this?
The (very cool) usher had them on the way out. Same guy I think I saw wandering the theater with night-vision goggles during the movie.
Yup, we had night-vision goggle people on both sides. Checking for videocameras, I assume.
Well, I had great seats so I guess I can't complain too much.
That was my guess. I tried my best to not look shady and keep my hands in view. But that's because I'm a goody-goody.
ETA: Did anyone see who ended up in the reserved seats?
As did we, at the previous showing. I've even taunted some people with mine.