Preview note (non-plot-related) from a friend:
I hear Nathan was in Sacramento. It's good he wasn't here or I would have made an ass of myself, I'm sure. Summer was in Chicago (I'll bet THAT just rocked). Jewel was in Denver. Chris Buchanan in Portland. Morena was in DC, and that's all I know so far.
SF just got the lights coming up. Oh, well; we got to see the movie, and that was the important part.
No big damn stars in Boston either, but we got Morena and Sean the last time. I guess they were trying to get the cities that hadn't before.
Was there a SF screening last round, and were any of the cast there?
Hey, has anyone checked out the trailer for Season 2 of
The 4400
? It looks like
Summer Glau
is going to be in an episode! Did we know this?
Picture from the KC screening. This was the front of the line. The girl on the left has a shirt that reads "I Aim to Misbehave" and the other girl's says "Oh God Oh God We're All Going to Die." Look closely on the right edge and you can see a man in a very cunning hat. Personally, I think my Hawaiian shirt was better than either of these guys', but "Mal" is pretty damn good. We had two Kaylees but we didn't get pictures of either.
Mr. Broom, that link gets me redirected to the front page of that site: [link]
That link seems to redirect to the home page, Mr. Broom.
Try again. Caps-sensitive FTP was giving me trouble, so I redid the URL. I can see it when I click it.
Looks like that worked.
How nice that no one was turned away for showing up dressed in an unusual manner.
I think we had the only kids at our screening. Well, 10PM show... duh.
KC also had two Kaylees, one of which I could swear was dressed exactly like in the first episode. Same shirt, even. No idea where she got it, but if it wasn't the same thing, it was a remarkable ripoff. Another guy's shirt had an arrow pointing up and Big Damn Hero under it. At least three actual brown coats. I wanted a Simon vest-shirt combo so badly at that point. I even have the purple glasses.