Do tell - please.
Firefly 4: Also, we can kill you with our brains
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe. Like the other show threads, anything broadcast in the US is fine; spoilers are verboten and will be deleted if found.
My one and only scalping experience got me a third row center seat to a Meatloaf/Cheap Trick show. I had to dodge loaf sweat and got a meaningful glance from Robin Zander.
The only other seats available were in row RR.
$32 for a $27 ticket. I only had 2 20s. I figured I had to eat it. 40 minutes later, the scalper found me in the line and gave me my change.
Over all, a life affirming experience.
I figured I'd better quit while I was ahead on the whole blackmarket front. I've never done it since.
I'd kill a small animal (not really) for a Serenity ticket in DC, but I'm not sure I'd pay a scalper. I'd rather not feel dirty. There aren't any scalped tickets available, are there?
For starters, you were allowed to buy two tickets in total. (There were two shows. So you could buy one ticket to two shows or two tickets to one show.) And they did cancel orders that violated that.
Now, night of the show, you go to the theatre. You show your ID and the credit card you purchased the tickets with. Someone then puts a wristband on your arm and the arm of your guest. They would not allow you to put the wristband on anyone else.
Early in the evening of the first show, I'm told, some people took off their wristbands and put them on other people. But security kinda caught on to this and began pulling on the wristbands to ensure that they hadn't been removed and put back on.
There was also a line for "cancellations." Tickets that were unable to be picked up because the buyer didn't comply with the rules were released to the general public for immediate purchase.
It amused me because I wanted to go and had even looked at the scalpers but the prices were crazy high. Plus, I'm paranoid so I was convinced I'd buy a ticket and be unable to get in.
It seems the only way to buy a ticket from a scalper was to buy A ticket from a scalper and sit next to him (or an empty seat) all night.
Question for anyone who saw the last round of the preview screening: Were there commercials/trailers before the movie, or was it just the movie. Did the whole shebang start on time? Finally, how long was the movie?
Commercials; no trailers. The Joss-speech was cheer & tear-inducing. They let us into the theatre about half-an-hour early. My group had been there since around 7, and got the seats we wanted/needed. If you're by yourself, you can get there later and still get a decent seat. By 9:45, even groups of two were having issues.
The film started more or less on time. But then, we had no special surprise guests. And the movie was pretty long--I ended up home about 2:30 am, and that was after a 2-hour or so drive. Didn't pay attention to the actual time we got out.
tianxiaode pretty much described how the Chicago screening went as well.
I'm going to the movie tonight!
Have I mentioned lately how you can all bite me? In the most loving way, of course.
Have I mentioned lately how you can all bite me? In the most loving way, of course.
::does the dance of biting Dana's ass::
t sits by Dana