I think it is cool! I also think I wouldn't recognize the Serenity symbol if I saw it on a bike, and I should rectify that.
Firefly 4: Also, we can kill you with our brains
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe. Like the other show threads, anything broadcast in the US is fine; spoilers are verboten and will be deleted if found.
It's very cool, Gus.
Yes, Gus, it is cool.
Unfortunately, it's Sunday night on the board so there is a dearth of people around to recognize the cool. Except for us'ns! Hence, we will bogart the cool.
::grabs up some cool and hangs on tight. glares suspiciously at newcomers wishing to share in the cool::
I think it's a great story, Gus! And when I get a motorcycle, I plan to paint the Serenity ideogram on the tank. (Looks at big blank side of CPU thoughtfully)
Serenity is on the subnet. I forego clicking on those torrents, because I need a reason to look forward to September.
Behold me being all adult and stuff.
Yeah, I'm being all adult too. Because I have flippin' DIAL-UP is why.
No one thinks it is cool that a bike is painted with a Serenity symbol, for Firefly reasons in the Outback of Wisconsin?
Once you've read one "random discovery of fandom in deepest Wisconsin" story, you've read them all. IJS.
BTW, what have you and the couple who guerilla marketed in washrooms been up to?
Four page preview of the Serenity comic up on this site...
No idea if it is a spoiler for the movie, or just a continuation in the same universe...
The comic book is a story set between Objects in Space and Serenity (the movie).
I had the tag [/jealous] copied here, but apparently I can't quote it and have it show up
This is not a closed tag for me. I so want to be meeting up with the SF folks. Whaaaa!
September. I can wait until September. I can do it...
re: the comics:
in this picture [link] it looks like the humongous gun that the chick with the nice ass is holding has no weight at all.
it looks like the humongous gun that the chick with the nice ass is holding has no weight at all.
See now, that's why I liked the guns in Aliens so much, 'cuz they had a little shoulder rig with gyros and stuff.