Stood amazed today in a grocery store parking lot. There was a custom bike, a "chopper", if we can be that '70's, with the Serenity ideogram painted on the tank.
I broke loose from my amazement and went into the store. There was a shaved-head guy with a poke-y beard and tats. I asked him if that was his bike.
It was not.
The cashier, however, chirped up. "Sure", she said. "That's mine."
"My girlfriend is really into that TV show that got cancelled a while ago."
Reality is so much better than TV.
Discovery Channel is currently running "The Science of Star Wars: Space Cowboys".
I am a little affronted by the lack of response to my Grocery Store story.
I assume that's the same one that was linked about 5 posts back.
No one thinks it is cool that a bike is painted with a Serenity symbol, for
reasons in the Outback of Wisconsin?
I think it is cool! I also think I wouldn't recognize the
symbol if I saw it on a bike, and I should rectify that.
Yes, Gus, it is cool.
Unfortunately, it's Sunday night on the board so there is a dearth of people around to recognize the cool. Except for us'ns! Hence, we will bogart the cool.
::grabs up some cool and hangs on tight. glares suspiciously at newcomers wishing to share in the cool::