So, today wasn't a good day not to be anywher near my computer. Ha! Yay for all of you who got tickets. Normally, I'd grumble and be bitter, but I seem to be in a good mood.
I have comic book store pre-order anxiety (which just makes me laugh and laugh). I know they can tell I'm a pretender. Well, at least I know where my local store is. I'm kind of proud of that.
I think that happens to everyone who works retail at one time or another. I know several who have done the "Thank you for calling _ your 24 hour superstore!" "What time do you close?" Of course conversly FE and I once went to a 24 hour grocery when it was closed. Apparently, they didn't mean in a row.
You should worked for Empire Records.
Once again, you steal my bit.
Snagged four tickets for KC. One of my friends gets #2 because he's moving to Puerto Rico in August and this is his only chance to be part of the group. The rest get to duke it out for my favors.
Empire Records
bwahaha. Love it.
To Loew's Georgetown's credit, the manager I spoke to did cut me off when I said May 26 with 'Do you mean Serenity?' and then was very nice in his crushing of my dreams.
I never, ever saw cantstopthesignal have live Fandango links for Portland.
Me neither. I just kept reloading Fandango and the zip code for the listed theatre. harrumph. maybe you had to sleep with personally know the manager.
If the comics aren't giving away the movie story, I'm so there. Damn them and their three covers, though....
Got to go with the Cassaday cover. I like Brian Hitch all right, but dear Lord, it's Cassaday. I just want to know who's drawing whom in the other six.
Honestly, I have sympathy for the people at the theatres trying to field calls from unknown numbers of rabid fans and can understand them being a little curt. I get a little miffed after the 10th call to ask if such and such system is down after we've already sent out an e-mail saying "Yes, blah is down." I can't imagine getting hundreds of calls about it.
I swear, it's coming out in wide release in September.
Have a great summer.
C Ya Next Year
Don't evah change.
After reading about this second wave of US preview screenings yesterday, I got all grumpy and jealous.
So I watched my entire DVD set of Firefly to cheer me up.
Finished around 6am, but.. it was kinda hard to stop!
It worked. It made me very tired, and I had some strange dreams about living spaceships, horses, more horses and yet MORE Morena (which is really starting to worry me), but there was a lot less, "GAH! They cancelled this show!?!?!?" and more, "these stories are wonderful".
I figure that September isn't really that far away.
So, did I mention that I'm coming to SF on the Memorial Day weekend to pester Suela? And that I impulsively bought tickets to
without even consulting my kind hostess?
I was hoping to meet some Bay Area Buffistas during my visit, but I may get to meet the bulk of you at the Serenity screening.
I mean, I live in friggin' Pittsburgh. What are the chances that I'd be traveling on the day of screening, and that I just *happen* to visit the city where preview screening is available? The mind boggles. But in a totally blissed-out, stoned whoa way, like Keanu.