. If you happen to have extra money, why not spend some of it on something that's important to you?
True enough. t looks nervously at Fabric Stash That Ate Sheboygan
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe. Like the other show threads, anything broadcast in the US is fine; spoilers are verboten and will be deleted if found.
. If you happen to have extra money, why not spend some of it on something that's important to you?
True enough. t looks nervously at Fabric Stash That Ate Sheboygan
Kiba, I am a slacker but, insent.
Tamara, 2 backatcha.
Whee Firefly!
Serenity the Black Pearl
Love that.
Has anyone in LA seen the trailer attached to Hitchhiker's anywhere?
I must have called at least a dozen theatres to no avail. Even Joss posted at the Serenity board that he saw HH but, alas, no trailer.
I saw the FF trailer before Hitchhiker's last night, at the Southpoint Cinemas in Durham, NC. It was great. And very, very big. We'd gotten in, to a sold out show, just as the trailers were coming on, so I saw it from the second row.
There was a lot of cheering in the audience, and folks clapped when it was done.
Calli, that is great news for me as that is exactly where I plan to see HG2G. Yay!
The Paradiso in Memphis not only didn't air the Serenity trailer, it subjected me to an Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl trailer and an Episode III trailer with Ian McDiarmid scenes that are probably going to force me to see that movie. dammit.
On the other hand, H2G2 was very enjoyable, though I was the only person in the theater who laughed at TV Marvin .
Me too, Matt! I love meta, and boy was I happy with that movie. Except for the lack of trailer, of course.
But I am VERY much looking forward to seeing you.
Likewise! Last year, the Firefly cast was so damn entertaining that I went back for, like, three different sessions. And if we're lucky, Nathan Fillion will be helping people move stuff around at the Walk of Fame again this year, and we will be present to observe the pretty and the muscles and the... I swear, the man is like geeknip in person.