I loved that scene -- I thought that she looked like she was dancing -- which seemed so appropriate for the un-natural aptitudes that River has.
Firefly 4: Also, we can kill you with our brains
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe. Like the other show threads, anything broadcast in the US is fine; spoilers are verboten and will be deleted if found.
I just love the whole thing. Only watched it once 'cause, at work, but many, many full-screen repetitions are likely tonight at home. With lots of pausing to take in all the details.
It could be a massive "assault" by Reavers on the border planets. The Alliance doesn't believe in the threat. Mal and Co somehow end up trying to rally whoever they can into stopping them.
ETA: Which sounds kind of cheesy, I realize.
Just like, oh I dunno, He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named? Cheese loved by billions...especially by me.
Another random thought, going off of the Reaver Assault thing and Jayne's "Lets be bad guys." I wonder if, instead of rallying a bunch of ships, the crew decides to make a big noise crime spree to get The Alliance's attention, who upon sending a ship or two after Serenity are suddently OMGWTFReavers! and send in the fleet. This sounds a little more in-character for our crew.
I just saw the trailer -- eeeee!!!! I need to watch it again. However, I'd say my favorite image was of River upagainst the ceiling.
Wow. Currently if you go to the Apple QuickTime front page, there's an ad for the Serenity trailer. It mentions that it's an Apple exclusive.
eta: Was Joss involved in the creation of the trailer?
...hi -istas. It's been a while.
But there's no supermodel in the movie, nor a Bruce Willis
There might still be crazy opera, though. (That was my favorite part of The 5th Element.)
I was disctracted by his M. Bison-style shoulder pads.
I really want a Firefly tournament fighter, all capcom-style. Whee.
I'm guessing (hoping) they're playing down the Western aspects for the trailer to try to appeal to a wider audience but they'll be more present in the actual movie.
This is my guess, too.
Oh, it's so pretty! I want to send another assload of goodies to Allyson and Kiba and everyone who pushed and pushed and kept FF visible and played any part at all in making Serenity possible.
Don't forget Kristen. In lieu of goodies, I would accept recommendations of Dragon*Con roomies.
....which is a terrible segue into my question of the day - are any of you going to Dragon*Con and looking to share a room? Because I am. Myself and my friend Lauren (a lovely Bronzer) will be down (she's Canadian!) and want to save as much money as possible so we can afford ridiculously overpriced convention food!
...I also love the River-on-the-Ceiling bit.
But possibly my favorite thing was the high rate of flying-car-viewings. Joss has that thing, with the flying cars.
Which reminds me that Fray 7 & 8 are sitting in Chapel Hill waiting for me.
Buffistas, you are excellent excellent people.
Kiba! Good to see you around these parts.
I want to send another assload of goodies to Allyson and Kiba and everyone who pushed and pushed and kept FF visible and played any part at all in making Serenity possible.
If just once, Joss Whedon would remember who I am, that'd be enough.
Tired, bitter, and resigned
Back when I was slinging popcorn and splicing reels of film together to put myself through grad school, unless there was an exclusive promotional deal tying a coming soon to an already showing, we were allowed to put any trailer in front of any movie regardless of studio, distributor, or anything else. Management liked to put sci fi on sci fi, though.