Anyone wanna proof my testimonial letter?
Dear FlyLady,
I used to keep a decent house, but there is chaos aplenty here, so when my nice friends recommended your site, I checked it out and subscribed. I thought I'd try working the zones of my home, the way you've broken them out.
Now see, I already cleaned my sink each day, and there were already a couple of times I policed my hotspots, because we're all a bunch of pilers in this family.
Now, my sink is dirty, and we're burning up with hotspots, because all I do is delete emails from you, particularly those shoe-reminders (I always wear shoes in the day) and the freaking testimonials.
Thanks. My home has never looked like this before. I'm not sure if this is a God-breeze or a purple puddle, but there you go. Bitch.
Hee. (I've seen the Flylady e-mails.)
t Imagines Flylady's reply:
Who you callin' bitch, you whiner? If I
your opinion, I'd
it out of you. Then I'd toss it out, because that's one more
thing in my life.
[trails off]
goin' 'bout trash-talkin me....
K-Bug's boyfriend is 6"3" - I'm going to have to ask his mom if he was a tall toddler.
My brother and his fiancée are both 6'3". I went to visit them out in Milwaukee last year and when I was walking down the apartment hallway with them and my brother's roommate I said "I feel like a hobbit" because I'm only 5'5". (Besides being tall, they're both super skinny. It accentuates it.)
Cindy - That's a great testimonial!
I love it, Cindy.
The emails are a bit much. I've taken to just looking up what zone we're in this week and deleting all the emails.
And, on topic and everything, I just cleaned up all the toys and organized them as to kind. Then I put the toyboxes on the corner of my desk. I feel a little claustrophobic, but it will be worth it if they can only have one kind of toy at a time. So, now, the plan is, instead of the living room being carpeted with My Little Ponies and Matchbox cars and Blocks, and Sorting toys and Stacking toys, there will only be 1/3 (roughly) of the toys and they can't have any others until they put away the first ones. I wonder how long it will last?
New tags for Anne, Sean, and Thomash.
~ma for them what need it.
Waaaaaaah for me. Writing a thesis is hard.
The Fates are fickle. And mean. Favorite co-worker who has been unable to work due to not having his fingerprint clearance card renewed (the spanner in the works is an ancient offence that which has frickin' been expunged from his record for over a decade). His name suddenly re-appeared on the schedule, brightening my attitude toward work considerably. Until, of course, I find out that they have recently hired someone new with same first name.
The fact that bosslady didn't even bother to put a last-name initial to identify _which_ one is meant casts an even deeper pall.
Did I mention the essential meanness of the Fates?
vw, I remember listening to some bluegrass music with my dad once and saying, "Dad, why are all of these lyrics so depressing?" He just said, "It's a hard life and that's what they sing about." He would know.
I know that. I just…I don’t know what I expected from this book. My step-grandma used to be a missionary in that area. I’ve heard some of her stories. They’re awful and heart-breaking. We’re going to be listening to quite a bit of music from the area (we had to buy two cds for the class), so I’m sure I’ll get it from that too. Actually, we’ve already listened to a couple of songs. It’s so very sad. It makes one rethink about how horrible their life really is…
Are you going to watch Rory Kennedy's documentary "American Hollow" for the class? It's fantastic.
I don’t think so. But, I’ll make not of it and check it out on my own. We do have to watch an Appalachian horror movie (not thrilled about this assignment), and we’re watching Deliverance in class. That’s all I know about.
Back to reading…