beathen, good luck on the job search.
vw, go you! One more incomplete taken care of.
ION, I'm home. I should be at work. This cold/flu thing is kicking my ass. It's time to go watch more of the Wonderfalls commentaries. It's a good excuse to check my eyelids for light leaks.
ION, apparently our landlords are claiming to live in our apartment for the purpose of getting a visitor's parking permit. Only one is allowed per residence, so I had to go through a shitload of extra paperwork this morning in order to prove to the City of Cambridge that they do not live here...they just own the building...therefore, I am entitled to a visitor's parking permit.
It was a big mess. I hope they end up getting a ticket 'cause their permit is found to be invalid.
Yes. I am mean like that.
I'll bet folding money that the blame lies with your b.p. meds, connie.
If it makes it easier to cope with the coming heat, I'll be content. However, my experience of the universe is telling me to bet that I'll feel that more, too.
your landlords suck vw. Ah, what we put up with in the Boston area for reasonable rents.
It always seems like whenever I/we make a call that we have to one thing, and so we can't do other stuff, that EVERYTHING happens during that time, and no one Gets It. Blah, people.
Yep. They've known- or rather I've been telling them about the shower for a while, so it's not like I'm suddenly saying I can't do anything. I think they expect me to dump the shower, and I might if it were any other cousin with any other situation.
I'm also really sorry for Cynthia and Kelly, but I'm not rending my garments and tearing my hair, so I must not care that much.
In much happier news
HAPPY MARDI GRAS!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are back from Michigan. I ended up losing my brand new planner and getting a fevery-cold thing that has gone away. Emeline came home and got 4 shots. Poor baby. Dad stayed with her while I went and made her next appointment.
All in all, it was an ok trip. My Aunt Donna died, my grandfather thought that taking Vioxx and Motrin TOGETHER was a good idea - his kidneys disagreed and crapped out on him however, it landed him in the hospital and showed that the cancer was back, but just recently, and one of my parents really good friend died as well. BUT, we did get to see an awful lot of friends, family and Buffistas. And we got some rest and quality baby time. She's 23 inches and 10 lbs, 7 oz. And so beautiful. I can't ever quit looking at her.
t sniff
I miss you guys already! It was sooo great to meet you! Sorry about your family problems, but I hope you getter better soon.
Emeline is the cutest baby ever.
waves Hi, Aimee!
Timelies to everyone else.
I should be working. But I'm not.
{{{Aimee}}} That sounds a bit more eventful than you might have chosen.
Emeline is beautiful in every picture.