Litly, you should watch the JCrew offerings. They are very sneaky with the pricing. I got this one for $69 about a month ago because they were changing the color scheme. Also, when I have bought something from them, they will send an email asking how I liked my purchase. I answer their questions, and they thank me with a link to the latest sales. Things are available through that link that don't show up on the regular web site.
And connie is right. They are pretty, but way overpriced.
I think since it'll be summer, too, I'm going to want to rock a halter, anyway. Works better on me than a strapless.
And a copy of every law school application I have submitted
Good lord, I could see naming the places you applied, but giving a copy of the application? Hell, do you KEEP those things for three years???
Why does commercial fruit-flavored yogurt have so much sugar in it?
Amen, Hil--I've been hoping to find something lately that might be fruit and yogurt without sugar being the second ingredient. Yeesh.
TOP SECRET DOD clearance was not anywhere near this in depth, nor did it take up this much paper.
Heh--when a friend was applying to work at the CIA, he listed me as a reference, and one of the questions the interviewer (who came to my office!) asked was "what's his favorite drink?" just to test me. It was amusing.
That is a pretty dress, Lilty.
Warning on that first Vicky's dress, Lilty--with the waistline part at the hips, unless you're superskinny, it's going to emphasize any tummy you have, it looks like. But I love the J Crew ones.
Good lord, I could see naming the places you applied, but giving a copy of the application? Hell, do you KEEP those things for three years???
I'm hoping that if they are required, the school might have a copy. If not, I'll just send them the names of the schools and the essays I wrote. It's the best I can do.
Amen, Hil--I've been hoping to find something lately that might be fruit and yogurt without sugar being the second ingredient. Yeesh.
Yeah, that would be nice. It always bugs me the way that every time something comes out with reduced or no sugar, it means they used artificial sweeteners instead, too.
But the Jewel store brand non-fat vanilla yogurt has no added sweeteners. It's quite tasty. It's the only one like that I've ever come across.
I am about to spend BIG MONEY to have somebody else do gardening work that wouldn't need doing so badly if I weren't a big lazy slut. Or, if, y'know, I hadn't had pneumonia, bad migraines, and an injured shoulder.
I feel a mixture of guilt and relieved. Once the work is done, I hope, the relieved will predominate.
If we were in the same town, Betsy, Mom would probably pay you. She loves that stuff.
Among the stuff I'm paying to have done is having sprinklers moved and retaining boards re-set, so probably not.
Ok, maybe not. But she misses having dirt to dig in.
t always bugs me the way that every time something comes out with reduced or no sugar, it means they used artificial sweeteners instead, too.
TOTALLY. There are a lot of things out there with TONS of added artificial sweeteners, and I'm like "can't you just make something with slightly less sugar, instead?". Like drinks--if they could make one with some flavor, but not tons of nutrasweet or splenda. Or yogurt. Or hell, even some candy!