I know so many people have it so much worse than I do. But I'm tired of each and every little thing going wrong and becoming a large obstacle. I'm just so tired.
There's always someone who has things worse. I've got a good solid job and no one's trying to bomb the bus I ride to work. Regardless, I've learned that the "Cheer up, at least you're not having X" things is a counter-productive method of coping. Your pain is your pain. No one else's pain is like yours, and yours is just as legitimate as everyone else's. ERs don't tell the folks with broken legs, "Look, shut up and go home, we've got a sucking chest wound here." It might not get the full crash cart and sprinting nurses treatment, but it gets treated seriously.
Hmm, I should avoid metaphors before breakfast. Must consume food and caffeine.
My one year Buffistaversary is next month. I can't believe it.
Alright, did people get the jello, wax, bendi-straws and penguins for the "ceremony"?
I've learned that the "Cheer up, at least you're not having X" things is a counter-productive method of coping. Your pain is your pain.
I know, I'm just prone to guilt.
I started a new LiveJournal where I write detailed reports of each of my appointments.
Good idea. I had a roommate who used to do this and also write down how she was feeling everyday so that when she went in for appointments she could pull out her journal and accurately describe her problems (they were many).
it was in fact her fate to find the Buffistas and bless us with her presence, though she joined before I did, so I don't know why I'm including myself in this whole fate manifesto.
Yes, I'm still a newbie, but it was my fate to join here (and thank goodness it happened!). How can you say otherwise as I click "Post message"?
Alright, did people get the jello, wax, bendi-straws and penguins for the "ceremony"?
Is it wrong that I'm now looking forward to this?
Is it wrong that I'm now looking forward to this?
It's fate. Amor fati, baby.
My one year Buffistaversary is next month. I can't believe it.
How do you find out the date. I can't remember when I signed up.
I can already tell that it's going to be a looooong day. But I have the weekend to long forward to (hi P-C!) and I'm cooking lots of fun stuff this weekend:
- chicken enchiladas with corn cakes & spanish rice
- french toast (yum)
- homemade pizzas
Fooood. I'm hungry now.
Whoever slowed time down today needs to turn it back up to its proper speed
right now.
How do you find out the date.
Haven't a clue. I was at the Phoenix from the get-go, but I joined up with the Buffistas either at TT or WX, and I can't remember which and I can't remember when.
heh, Anne, i'm having the opposite problem. I am looking at the clock and, having done pretty much nothing work related, can't believe that it's almost 11 and I suck.
I think it's that I am slower than time today. Whatever the fuck that means. It sounded profound in my head though.