lets just say you heard it here that fur hand muffs with embellishments will be THE accessory for girls on the east coast next winter.
I bet Jilli already has one.
Two. One made from white Mongolian lamb, one made from black seal*. Both antiques, both presents. We will not speak of the pink fox fur muffs I keep seeing on eBay, because I have to keep reminding myself that I will only own vintage or antique fur, and if that means I can't find it in pink, oh well.
- The hint Pete gave me about the box that turned out to be holding the black seal skin muff? "Club!" He is a bad, bad man.
It is snowing and it's starting to accumulate.
shush you! It needs to stop doing that soon and be all clear by tomorrow afternoon so people aren't all "I was going to the SCS show but it's too Winter out there."
I hate stuff that's out of my control (obviously).
We have no snow or prospect of any, but it has been gray, gray, gray for days. The Seattlistas will probably not appreciate that the weatherman on the radio just said, "Your visit to Seattle will be ending by Monday."
The Seattlistas will probably not appreciate that the weatherman on the radio just said, "Your visit to Seattle will be ending by Monday."
Does that mean we'll get our proper weather back? No more of this weird bright thing in the sky?
Does that mean we'll get our proper weather back? No more of this weird bright thing in the sky?
Perhaps it does mean we'll trade so that we both get back our proper weather.
I'm fond of the bright thing, but would be happy for it to disappear for another 2-3 months if it means it gets cold and wet enough that we get a snowpack in the mountains and don't end up in some kind of icky expensive water and energy crisis with lots of dead salmon and political angst over the summer.
And it's supposed to turn colder over the weekend. Not sure about the bright thing leaving.
The bright thing is also parked over Utah. Utah would like some of its famous snow, thank you. Or, lots of rain in the valleys, which translates to snow in the mountains, where snow belongs.
Cause you're so totally an easygoing audience, right, Hec?(Although as I say that, I hope so, as I replied to you at some length and exhaustiveness.) But I also totally said you were more of a pleasure to look upon than someone who gets to slip it to NP, and you only remember the part you don't like.
Where's the love? The extolling of my perceptiveness?(/Lorne)
Sunil, at least Natalie gives you something to work toward as opposed to RZ, whom I've seen better looking women than on this board and at the mall, even. But They think she's cute, so she is. Could I, like decide to be gorgeous and get people to treat me like that?
looks at little Garden State poster above bookshelf
Focus is then distracted by 4 Natalie Portman photos on wall.
*The hint Pete gave me about the box that turned out to be holding the black seal skin muff? "Club!" He is a bad, bad man.
erika, did you watch
during its second season? Was President Palmer's female assistant (not chief of staff, but I can't remember if I knew her title) one of the M.E.'s on Homicide for a season or two? If so, was her character involved with Munch (or someone)?