And...totally unrelated to anything of the books that we read for the Numbers class last semester has 78!!!! pages of notes and bibliography on the publisher's website. I'm never gonna get through that! I don't even think I'm gonna try.
My algebra book last year had an errata file that was over 100 pages long. And then an addendum to the errata file (including some errata on the errata) that was another 30 or so pages. (Errata. Erratta? Eratta? None of those look quite right.)
I think it's spelled "crazyheadmathstuff".
Main Entry: er·ra·ta
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, plural of erratum
: a list of corrigenda; also : a page bearing such a list
huh, that didn't copy and paste well...
Just saw an ad for "Son of The Mask"
Not Jim Carrey.
Laura and her fancy umlauts.
Umlauts is my second favorite word to say behind "Titicaca".
The tostadas were excellent. Thanks to those that took the poll. Tomorrow night: chicken nuggets and french fries.
Is it just me or is Juliette Lewis slowly turning into an Iggy Pop bobblehead?
Yes. I had to follow in the tradition of quoting a crazy lit professor.
Really? I like it.
Kristin also has a new tag.
"Mommmm! The President is on aalllll the channels!"