{{{askye}}} What a difficult situation.it's such a hard problem to even be aware of - it took forever for us to figure out that a similar thing was going on with my grandmother and her husband, that he was irrational and emotionaly abusive and her health was suffering. I'm glad to hear that your dad is with you on there being a problem.
Yay Deena, on PT and getting paid and everything!
I've never found anything to help with congrestion. I just complain a lot until it clears up on its own or is clearly not going away and I go to the doctor and they give me something that either fixes it or doesn't. I am Jack's complete inability to help.
Yikes, sumi, that sucks. Idiot ATM place stealer.
I have concrete steps with no railing in front of my house and every time I go down them I think how I could fall and hit my head and die. Every morning. And today it's raining, so, even more so. I've only ever actually fallen once and just banged my knees up, but I can't stop the brain from picturing the hea trauma. So, very glad you escaped that fate, sumi.