SA! Welcome back. And feel better soon!
Anne and Deena--ooh, a wealth of lately-absent Bitches.
askye, all the good thoughts in the world for your family, may you get care and cluesticking worked out to everyone's benefit.
Yeesh. I catch up, now I gotta go do trash and recycling dutie. Because I left it till this late, and everybody knows I'm not getting up in the pre-dawn to do it, don't we?
Knowing you, Bev, you'll just be falling asleep pre-pre-dawn.
I think it's time for me to head for bed. Tomorrow has lots of work in store for me. Yay for work!
And speaking of work, a little extra ~ma for Daniel.
Goodnight lovely peoples.
Dangnabbit, I missed Deena.
Deena!!! Just because.
Teppy, just sort of out of the blue, how is your back? Are you back to full mobility? Any pain left over?
And speaking of work, a little extra ~ma for Daniel.
Thanks Deena.
The job situation has changed yet again.
I've been working 9-5:30 on the current project. We'll call this project A.
We were told two weeks ago that we would be having training this week on a new project, as project A was winding down. We would have to spend 3 days getting to work at 6:30 am so we could be bussed up to Minneapolis for special training on Project B, returning at 5:30 each day. Even though we would be gone an extra 2-1/2 hours each day, we would be given overtime for only two hours each day. Oh, and when we weren't training on Project B locally, we still took calls on Project A.
Also, once training was over, I was to be changed to 7-3:30 shift. (blecch)
Early last week, they announced that we would be training locally on Project B on Monday and Tuesday, as well and that was 8-4:30. Still, once training was over, I was to be changed to 7-3:30 shift.
Late last week this was changed again. Project B training would be Monday, Tuesday and Friday locally, and only Wednesday and Thursday would be the 6:30 am departure.
Today I go in and call volume was high on Project A, and about 10 am we were told that things had changed yet again.
As of today a group of us are staying on Project A, with possible training on Project B to be done in a few weeks. Plus? My hours are yet again changed, and from now on I will be staying at 8-4:30.
t head swims.
We'll see what tomorrow brings.
Plus? Now my internet keeps dropping out and it's time for bed, so...
If my connection stays up long enough, that is....
mwa to Daniel. I missed you! Read that however you want.
~ma and hugs to Askye and family.
Timelies of a sort...
To recap:
Yay Deena!
Yikes Daniel.
The Tasmanian Devil that so amused me last night was a Tasmanian Tiger (Thylacine) and not, it seems, an actual devil or a tiger. Though it is still extinct. Unlike the Taz Devil which, though threatened, lives in Tasmania as one of the largest carnivorous marsupials or at Warner Bros. Glad I kept the show to rewatch, it is actually fascinating. And turns out, if we clone the thylacine, it might be in a devil's pouch. Which amuses me.
Hivemind question: Very congested. What is the best way of clearing my head and sinuses? I am torn between dry heat, moist heat, steam, cold and Things That Require Stuff like herbs and oils - which I also have or am willing to hunt and gather. I think I can get myself to sleep tonight so I am not hoping for an instant cure (not that I would decline) so much as gathering new ways to deal with not being able to breathe well.
[Copied to Natter, from whence it evolved]
IreallyreallyreallynotON, I hab a code. And I think my brain has transfered its thinking and analytical production time to just making snot. The terrorists are winning. If the terrorists are the size of either virus or bacteria. Otherwise? Waging war on their butts. One Kleenex at a time.
Hi Cassiepants. Sorry you're so full of gunk, and have lost your higher cognitive faculties.
I think that was supposed to convey the yaySean!ness I am feeling.
Just realized that the extinct/not extinict critters I just chatted about were actually over in Natter. My bad. Not sure if it is enough bad or I have enough motivation to move them yet.