Suggestion for bridezilla, but will take a modicum of footwork: Call a couple of the more expensive wedding-chapel type places in the area, get their rates.
Next time bridezilla has a whinge-attack, say something along the lines of:
The challenge of having a wedding in a church is that it just cannot be dedicated to your special day, the way you deserve, like other facilities are. For example TheBellsAreRinging Chapel & Pool Hall promises there will be no bikers in your dressing area for as much as 2 1/2 hours before your event. Totally dedicated to YOUR needs. Now it is just a teensy bit more expensive than Our Church, but really, I'm sure you see $___/hr is quite a bargain. And you truly are getting what you pay for, compared to the $___ fee for the church. Of course, it does have that little downside of not being as traditional a location as Our Church, but I'm sure someone of your creativity would be aces at playing up the atmosphere and having a lovely wedding there.
Said in a treacly professional telephone voice?
I'd do it. But then, I'm nobody's wedding co-ordinator.
Thanks for the ~ma. And, no. Logic has no place in beaurocracy.
Another bridezilla suggestion, and I may be the only person in Christendom evil enough to do it, is to briefly take up the role of spiritual mentor, and trot out chapter&verse on not having a whiny complaining attitude, complete with suggesting that God will not bless a marriage that starts out with this kind of attitude.
All of my suggestions involve intimidation and/or yellow crime tape, Susan. Better you than me.(Although the thought of a wedding coordinator coming on all cop-like and saying "We can do this the hard way or the easy way," amuses muchly.)
Good thoughts for Sail and fam.
And Timelies...feels like I've not been here for ages.
And Timelies...feels like I've not been here for ages.
God, seriously! It's been like what, three days?
{{{Sail and family}}}
Feelings are not facts, of course.
What can I say? I'm a fiend.
My book has just been the drug of choice lately.
Said in a treacly professional telephone voice?
I don't think Susan can do this, as she is employed by the church as wedding coordinator. She can't be sending people away.
Lois Lane is dead?
She was dead until Superman went back in time (by going faster than light) and saved her.
Sorry, I Just Don't Like Lois
Susan, I was never a specific wedding coordinator, but as office manager for a beautiful old church in the Boston area, I did deal with some weddings. The people involved were totally mellow, so I was pretty lucky there. My advice (because I *did* constantly have to tell people that they could not could not have the run of the place, which was often challenging) is to just stick to your guns, keep repeating that you don't know about the fridge, the this the that, that the groups involved have a right to be there as well. Does she have a contract of any kind?
Just stick to the facts again and again, and don't let her get you riled up. Let her know (preferably in writing) what her responsibilities are.
Signed, BTDT.
((((Sail)))) I'm so sorry.