Sail, I hope everything goes as well as possible.
It's amazing the feats of cleaning that the threat of someone coming over can inspire me to. One of the things I'm working on this year is to keep my house so that I don't live in fear of someone dropping by. I just don't seem to have any natural instinct for putting things up. There was a great description of a character in an Elizabeth Enright book. It said that he felt no more responsibility for his shed clothes than a snake does for its shed skin. That would be me. It seems like all I have to do is sit somewhere for a few hours and I'm magically surrounded by foot-high piles of papers and clothes.
Sail -- ~ma to your family!
Sending excellent apartment hunting zen to Hil.
Sail, lots of ~ma to the whole family.
Nicole, the tarp might be a good solution. We'll try that before we resort to another litterbox (I'll have to go out an buy another one if we have to do that, since I gave my spare to my sister when she got her kittens).
And I didn't need them to look at my apartment filth with that look that says "Thank God our hepatitis vaccines are current!"
Heh. I'm sure people think this when they come to my house--which isn't often, THANK GOODNESS.
I caught Owen by surprise today. He was looking at his books and I nearly killed myself getting to the camera to catch it.
More books!
Then the battery on my digital camera died and I had to wait all day to upload while it recharged.
Much ~ma to Sail's family. I'm so sorry.
Hil, good luck with the apartment! I hope it's good and that you're able to get it.
Cashmere, no advice on the cat, but damn. That is one cute kid you've got there!
Oh my gosh, Owen's way wicked cute. And quite the scholar!
ION, I cleaned our place like a Mofo today as our landlords were coming over to "discuss" a two year lease with us. This is nervous-making, as Burbank has no rent control like in LA, so they could raise the rent to whatever they wish. They came over, brought a lease and raised our rent 25 dollars a month--that's less than 3%!!!! Hooray for nice landlords!
Hil, good luck with the apartment! I hope it's good and that you're able to get it.
Thanks. I just noticed that the ad doesn't mention the square footage or anything at all about the kitchen, or whether utilities are included in that price (but even if they aren't, it's still something I can afford), but I looked up the building, and it looks nice, so I'm hoping. (I found one other listing for an apartment in that same building that looks similar, but has the square feet listed, and it's on the small side, but still livable.)