I found I do much better without Walter looking over my shoulder telling me all the mistakes I'm making.
I suspect that's true of many things.
A new study found that male monkeys will give up their juice rewards in order to ogle pictures of female monkey's bottoms.
The real question is whether female monkeys will give up juice to ogle male monkey's bottoms.
Around level 7, my attention starts to wander.
If I could pause I would go further perhaps, but I can only do non-work stuff in short bursts. Like this one...
Happy to see bicyclops and Ginger here. I was worried that you were iced in with no power.
Hey Laura!
The ice is melting now. It looks like it's raining in our back yard, but it's just the ice melting off the trees.
Ice storms are a beautiful thing to behold if you keep power and don't have to leave the house.
if you keep power and don't have to leave the house
And no trees or large limbs fall on your house.
It was pretty but very slippery. It's melted off the trees now but I still have sleet on the ground. I lost power for about five minutes four or five times yesterday, so there are things blinking 12:00 at me around the house.
As Lee said, we had pancakes this morning. Yum. Then I watched last Friday's Battlestar Galactica, and now I'm going to try to plane my new dor to get it to fit right, before I have to run off to work this afternoon.
....and 4 hours, 8 bags of trash (small bags -- like paper grocery bags), 1 shower, and many episodes of The Simpsons later, my living room/dining area/desk is much cleaner.
I know, I know, 4 hours for just a living room? But really, it was 3 hours, because there was that shower in there, plus breaks to watch really important parts of Simpsons episodes. Plus, the massive cleaning included:
shelving books
straightening up massive piles of CDs
putting away DVDs and tapes that were forming a pile in front of the TV
weeding through the piles and piles on the coffee table (and next to the coffee table)
weeding through the piles and piles on the endtable next to the spot I always sit on the couch
weeding through the piles and piles on the desk
weeding through the piles and piles on the dining-area table
I need a beer.
I know, I know, 4 hours for just a living room?
WTF? Your living room looks like my bedroom?
I really need to do all that stuff, too. But I think I might take a walk to the bookstore instead.