I feel so behind in everything. I skippity skipped my way here. I miss the buffistas!
Raquel - boys are fantastic. I'm so happy for you. I had a girl first, and love her beyond all reason. When I was finally pregnant with kid #2, I wanted to know what we were having, but the sprog was not being cooperative. I waffled between wishing it was a girl, because I knew what to do with a girl, and wishing it was a boy, cause - well - I already had a girl. CJ is ALL boy and as different as night and day from K-bug, but I love him beyond all reason also.
Like Cindy, I am an only also, there are very few boy children on my side of the family, while my husband had one brother and very few other girl children on his side. It has been quite the learning experience for both of us.
The point being - I'm happy for you - ENJOY motherhood!
Now, someone tell me what teens are wearing to the prom these days. K-Bug has been asked to the junior prom by her new boyfriend. Aaaaccckkkkkk!!!!
Yeah, well, Hubby's got $50,000 in the very latest in titantium around his spine. And he gets to keep it.
New boyfriend for K-Bug! Prom! Squee!
I don't know what the kids are wearing these days, I just wanted to squee.
Thanks -t. I'm still getting used to the idea that she is dating a junior (she is a freshman). He goes to a different school, so at least that cuts down on some of the drama.
He gets some bonus points because he is planning on talking to DH this weekend to "officially ask to date his daughter". Awwwwwwww.
Job ~ma to Karl!!!
Now, someone tell me what teens are wearing to the prom these days.
Somehow I don't think K-Bug will buy a recommendation of sackcloth and veil, or something otherwise concealing. Though there is a big market in Utah for "modest formals", nothing sleeveless or too low cut.
Raquel, I'm sorry the grandparents to be are being twerps.
Go Karl!
Awww, prom dress shopping for K-Bug! Neat! I have no idea what to suggest for her to look for, however.
Jilli, I hope your migraine is yesterday's news. How are your friends doing?
I stayed home from work today, because yesterday's migraine was the worst I'd ever had; I had never actually thrown up from one before. Thankfully, I told my boss yesterday about the migraine and she was the one who told me to go home, and that if I didn't feel up to it to not worry about coming in today.
My friends are doing *much* better! He's been moved out of ICU to his own room and is no longer being sedated or on a respirator. It's still going to be a long haul to get him healthy (and he is now on the waiting list for a liver transplant, due to some other ongoing issues), but things are no longer dire.
Speaking of baby names - how about this one: Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116 (pronounced "Albin").
My mother's on warfarin (coumadin) for her atrial fibrillation. It's tricky stuff. The vegetables prohibition is mainly against dark green leafy vegetables, which have vitamin K which affects clotting. It also means you can't take most of the NSAIDs, which is a (literal) pain.
Also avoid green tea. And if he's on any antibiotics, or has to go on antibiotics for any reason, have your doctor triple-check for interactions, and then have the pharmacist triple-check.
I'm scanning through our database for more warfarin info.
It sure does the trick when it comes to preventing clotting, though.