Hi everybody!!! I'm all crazed now because our cd is coming out and we're having a big release show next week and I just talked to somebody at City Paper (our local free weekly) and will shortly be talking to somebody at the Sun. Which is very very exciting and I'm hoping the press brings lots of new people to the show and they all want to buy the cd. But I'm all nervous I'm sounding like an idjit AND I totally forgot to put on deoderant this morning and I'm sweating like a sweaty sweaty fool. eeeeekk. And I'm worried about not having our website done in time and not being able to quickly get ahold of a good, high rez picture of us. And that I won't find the perfect top to wear at the show. and and I should have minions to do this worrying and sweating for me! I'm the Lead Singer damnit!!!
okay...I should stop freaking and start dropping new images into the big install guide i'm working on. that should calm me down some.
Wow, Lisah, I'm all kinds of impressed!
Mortimer Firefox is a cute nickname for the sprog-to-be.
Name choices weren't as hard as I'd anticipated. Side effect of having so few we agree on, I think. When we finally hit on one (for each gender possibility) we both liked that sounded just fine with Marcontell, we stopped looking.
I am ready for the medical merry-go-round to stop. My husband has been prescribed Warfarin. Rat poison. Yes, effective blood thinner, etc. etc.
But. Rat poison. Oh, and he's to eat a healthy diet and avoid leafy green vegetables while on it.
There is wrongness here.
Side effect of having so few we agree on, I think.
This didn't help DH and me. We got it narrowed down to five or six choices pretty quickly, and with a month or two to go had more or less settled on Annabel or Eleanor. IIRC, we finally decided about two weeks before she was born.
And we'll probably have to go through the exact same process if we do this again. Eleanor is a great name, but it wouldn't surprise me if it's in the top 25 by the time we sprog again, and it doesn't seem quite right to give one daughter an ultra-rare name and another an ultra-popular one. I like Cordelia, but DH doesn't, and we both like Harriet, but I'm afraid it might sound like a Bertha-Beulah kind of name to a lot of people. And boys are even tougher. We'd sort of vaguely agreed that if the ultrasound was wrong we'd name him Brendan, but I've never been crazy about the name. And it's hard to come up with boy names that sort of fall into that same grouping of classic and recognizable, yet fairly rare, that Annabel does. The pool is just smaller.
Take this rat poison and avoid leafy green vegetables? Yeah that's disturbing. I hope it is effective and short-term, connie.
My grandfather took cyanide to combat his liver cancer. He said it made him feel better.
I love Eleanor and so does DH, but it's on the list of names prohibited by family members for reasons I understand.
My grandfather took cyanide to combat his liver cancer. He said it made him feel better.
The black humor portions of my brain are amused in all the wrong ways.
Which in a way was better than the reaction of the second-to-last grandparent: "Oh, you're having a boy? I wanted a girl." and no communication since.
There is absolutely no excuse for that. None.
I'm all kinds of impressed!
Me too! Also, my throat's all dry and I'm dripping sweat. SO sexy.