You know, the sex-dependent rankings of "heavy drinking" have gotten OUT OF HAND.
An additional 12 percent could be classified as being in full remission, but they had drinking patterns that put them at risk of relapse. This included men who drank five or more drinks a day at least once in the past year, or women who drank an average of more than seven drinks per week.
A man who drinks five or more drinks a day is at risk of alcoholism. So is a woman who drinks one drink every day. JESUS.
God I hate Inside the Actor's Studio.
Gotta love a show hosted by a pompous failed actor/intellectual.
So is a woman who drinks one drink every day. JESUS.
Wait, so if we drink the one drink per day recommended to prevent heart disease, we're alcoholics? I'm so confused. I'd better have a double.
Which is precisely what I loathe about it. But damn, sometimes I just don't care. Usually when I am being ruled by my loins it seems.
fermented cereal...
juliana, we're
of course we're going to be wrong no matter what we do.
Conflicty messaged bastages.
I think you're both right and lovely, Cass.
Wait, crap. Not right about being wrong. Right about...things.
Gotta love a show hosted by a pompous failed actor/intellectual.
My favorite Lipton moment was when he compared songwriting notes and rhyming dictionaries with Stephen Sondheim.
I made P-C's head go all 'splodey... Sorry P-C.
I hate that guy, actually.
But I love that they ask the actors what their favorite curse word is.
Kiefer saying, "Fuck," even bleeped was a thing of beauty. Some people have a way with that word...
Goodness me, I am just all chatty typing right now. Sheesh.