Yay, Hil!
Hurray for home ownership, Burrell!
For a day I fully expected to be from hell after Annabel screwed with The Schedule by waking up at 5:45 and not going back to sleep until 7:00, when I normally wake up (she usually wakes up around 8:30), today has been surprisingly OK. Even though I slept till 9:00 and didn't shower till noon, I did stuff. I got confirmation letters out to the two agents who've verbally/electronically committed to our conference, sent an email to an editor who told one of our chapter's authors that she could probably come, and sent a letter to a certain major romance publisher that gets so many requests for these things that they appoint a conference coordinator and make everyone go through her.
I also traded emails with the ongoing freelance client and did my normal Monday errands--basically a post office-copy store-library run. And I've still got a little time left before writers group at 6:30, which I think I'll use to straighten and vacuum the living room so I feel like it's Annabel-safe again. I've been making the poor kid live in the playpen and exersaucer all day, but she's been pretty patient about it.
Damn. My walking range is only 500 miles; under the right circumstances, 500 more.
Just to be the man who walked 1000 miles?
Welcome to the home ownershop club, Burrell!
here she goes attributing beastial *acts* to Aragorn
The horse kissed him! I'm just extrapolating here.
Just to be the man who walked 1000 miles?
Thanks for that Proclaimers earworm there, Daniel.
Did cat stacking craze start here or in Natter?
Did cat stacking craze start here or in Natter?
Does it matter?? The crack cats are now everywhere!!!
Yay, Hil! Yay, Hil! Yay, Hil!
OK, I have string cheese, tuna, low-carb Pria bars, nuts, and an apple, to eat on the plane tomorrow.
Aww! So sorry about the house, Nora!!
This is why I have chapstick (or some other non-burny lip balm) stashed every place I could possibly need it.
This is what I keep doing, and yet I STILL keep losing it!! I had one in my coat, in an inner pocket, and it just disappeared!!
Dude! More snow!
Yeah, I was kinda bitter--I was sitting in my boss' office, and looking past her out the window going "Um, is it supposed to snow more?" And she says "Oh, I think it said there would be flurries...". And it was NOT flurries. It was SNOW.
I am just going to hum lalalalalalaaaaa until the horse porn leaves my brain.
t holds hands over ears, rocks back and forth
What am I going to forget to pack? I am going first to the UK, and then straight to Miami. I know I'm going to forget something. What?