Sadly, we do not have 40K for a down payment. We have kind of close to that, but not all that. I don't know. It might be an excellent investment, depending on the work on it that needs doing. A shade over 400K for a single family in Somerville is pretty good.
If you are first time buyers, you might not need that much of a downpayment. If it is your dream home, you should check it out, ijs. Or what everyone else said.
{{{Cass}}} Much ~ma to you sweetie.
Car~ma, Connie.
What you are doing when you ban is preventing the user from commenting in your journal. They can read just as they could before, and unless I'm sorely mistaken, you're still on their friends list.
This is why nearly every post I make is friendslocked. The idea of strangers reading my journal seriously creeps me out.
Teacup guy is amused that he is known as teacup guy here, and he wanted me to tell you that it should be noted that it was no ordinary teacup but a gold rimmed, limited edition, collectors teacup.
He is GRLECTG... But I shall call him "greatly" as I can actually pronounce that.
Maybe the second weekend in Feb?
Sounds good.
Off to hot baths, dinner, a glass of wine and any distraction I can find on tv...
Does he really want to be known as Gold-Rimmed Limited Edition Collector Teacup Guy? I can do that.
Not here. Working.
{{{{{Cass}}}}} Take care.
{{{Cass}}} I like the ocean in winter, too. For the same wild, untamed feeling. Too bad I don't live anywhere near the ocean.
I'm here if you need or want anything, love. Also, echoing the love of the wildness of the ocean in winter (though at the's a bit cold here on the beach even for me).
Okay, really not here.
Am I weird that being spied on doesn't creep me much?I mean, if somebody just reads and doesn't make filthy suggestions? I'm not sure if it's because of writing personal things and getting paid or what...or maybe my concept of private is not like others'.
Now, if some stranger remembered something from months ago and *told* me something o' squick.
But I spend my days trying to get strangers to read me, so...
Is anyone else having trouble in livejournal today? I tried adding some friends and every time I do I get logged out, and if I go to my f list I only get posts from yesterday. This has been happening all day. Help.
ETA: I can't update my journal either.