If there are dogs of war, are there cats of peace?
There is something on Animal Planet about "Dogs of Peace" And I thought it sounded kind of presumptious.
Dogs already have war, let cats have peace.
t sings
"All we are saying, is give cats a chance!"
Aww. Yay for Michiganders hooking up.
Me, I had settled in for a "sitting at home on the internet" evening, having not yet gotten out of my PJs, when a friend called up and said "I'm standing outside your window, let me in, get dressed, and come play!". So we walked to another friend's house, who had some people over...but they were already drunk. So we went and made Papa John's give us pizza, and then we watched some TV at my place. Suddenly, it's late! When did that happen?
I friended like all of y'all, I hope you don't mind :) My lj name is fabby. I'm a little shitty (translation: drunk) so forgive. I watched Honey with Jessica Alba tonight and it was HYSTERICAL. I loved it. So bad it was good. I also watched a Hong Kong movie that was subtitled and very interesting but I can't remember the name of it. It was by the man who directed In the Mood for Love, which I also enjoyed.
pssst... she's flirty when she's drunk
Aw, where is everybody??? I'm feeling good and wanting to chat :(
You just sit right here, missy,
t pats knee
and talk to
I'm here, but heading to bath/bed soon.