OK, I'm a little embarrassed to confess that my Jesus works for the Postal Service.
I'm picturing the icon for this, sort of like those soccer Jesus and hockey Jesus figurines that people post links to every so often. Or else one of those books in the "what if Jesus came back, but all unobtrusive-like" genre. But I hope he's not
delivery driver, because I'd be hell-bound for sure after what I said and thought about him today.....
tiggy, the page errored (is that a word?) out on me. What was it?
Cindy, a couple of Shar Pei puppies and David Hasselhoff.
Great new cut, Hil!
Sara's cuteness right now is this: When she's crying and I pick her up, she pats *my* shoulder first. Whether she thinks it's supposed to be reciprocal or she's asking for the back pats she gets when I'm trying to soothe her, I don't know, but it breaks my heart every time.
Happy Birthday, Windsparrow!!!
i'm just popping in to share this
Someone pass the brain bleach please.
I am at Mom's due to the landlord that does not shovel. I am hoping I won't be stuck here past tommorrow, and I am so happy that I won't have to deal with this soon.
Thank you...you know, I'm gonna flip if I ever have a postal carrier named Jesus.
A co-worker that I like was supposed to come over tonight to see my house and have Boston cream pie martinis. GF and I spent all day cleaning and the place looks great. We ran to the store to pick up some stuff for tonight and came home to a message saying HE'S NOT COMING!!!! Dude. It's not that big a deal but dang, I was looking forward to it.
Could happen, erika, and more likely in your part of the country than mine.
Heh. Too true, Susan.
ION, I sure wish all the snowed-in Easterners would come here and post, or update their blogs, or generally make the internet buzzier than it normally is on Saturday night. Because the quiet is seriously interfering with my procrastination. If this keeps going, I'll have to, like,
something, or clean, or work on having a grocery list ready to go so I can go straight there after choir and writers conference planning tomorrow and actually use my time efficiently.