Happy Birthday, Susan!!
Lilty, last I heard, Serenity comes out Sept. 30. Everyone should meet in LA for the opening! So says I. The drunk girl.
Lee, I think I'm set with regards to a place to stay. A (gasp!) non-buffista friend has offered me free room and board. However, now that I think a bit more about it, she lives in a studio apartment. And you have a guest room, no?
I do. If the Serenity party turns out anything like Wolfram and Hart, there may be a couple of other people here, but I have room.
"What are you doing, Kristin?"
t is torn between laughter and utter terror
Hal does not live here.
I think my brain has stopped functioning. Probably time for bed now. Lee, I'll look at the work calendar on Tues. and definitely let you know well ahead of time what my dates will be for LA visiting.
Night everyone! Pleasant dreams!
Sail, good luck with the forced beddage.
Okay. I must be more tired than I thought. I read this as "forced bondage."
Okay. I must be more tired than I thought. I read this as "forced bondage."
San Francisco salutes you.
I read this as "forced bondage
It would have been more fun than the forced beddage, that's for sure. I woke up at least 3 times last night and I'm not sure I even slept between a couple times of the "up for water", "up to turn down the heat", "up to pee". It all goes back to the up for water, but still. Little sleep and my back still hurts even though I flipped my mattress because it was getting a valley. Maybe a nap later will help.
I didn't sleep so well either. I usually get up 2-3 times a night. Not because I have to pee, but once I'm awake, I generally go just because, why not. The few nights I sleep straight through are nights I worship.
The few nights I sleep straight through are nights I worship
Definitely, especially if I can even get to sleep before midnight.