And Elektra was the best part about DD. Damn, but I'll go see it with my sister. Sounds like a perfect dinner-and-a-bad-actio-flick outing for us.
Gud, about a day after the storm, the sun peeked very briefly through the clouds and set the hill of trees southwest of the Plza on fire; people were just staring. It was so fucking gorgeous, my mouth was just dropped to my knees and I had this huge "wow!" smile on my face.
It just lasted a minute, but it was amazing.
MM & Calli, I was away getting the Min15 for Day After.
And the Phantom one killed me but I'm afraid my buddy didn't see, lost on her.
However I have a certain dog park pal who hated the movie and would love to have a group of people acting the parody out in his living room.
No for props to take to tonight's dinner. Maybe I can get the restaurant to shave some ice for the table.
Hmm. A busted thermometer. Some books and matches. Too bad I have no cane backed chairs to bust.
Hey! Guess who just got a promotion and a 10% raise?
Me, that's who! Yeah, the chick sitting at the reception desk.
All right, Nora! Congrats!
Hurrah, Nora!
I shouldn't stress about clients with unrealistic expectations, right? Because if they drive me too crazy I could always walk away.