Jess, print it out and go across the street. And what juliana said.
Cindy, there's a moment in LotM where Madeline Stowe is doctoring the wounded at the fort, and he's watching her, and she feels his eyes on her and turns around, and says, "What are you looking at, sir?"
And he smiles - long slow smile that curves up those cheekbones - and the Irish lilt, and he says "I'm looking at you, miss."
Oh, God. I'll just be locked in the bathroom with a selection of, er, toys.
'Cause I'm suddenly hit with the Must!Change!Hair!Now! bug.
Oh, that is a powerful bug. I know it well.
I keep meaning to watch Mohicans but haven't done so yet. Suppose I should change that someday.
t feels the love
Good Hair
Cindy, there's a moment in LotM where Madeline Stowe is doctoring the wounded at the fort, and he's watching her, and she feels his eyes on her and turns around, and says, "What are you looking at, sir?"
And he smiles - long slow smile that curves up those cheekbones - and the Irish lilt, and he says "I'm looking at you, miss."
I don't know what turned me off about seeing that movie at the time, but he wasn't a draw, even in the commercials. More for you!
I have that bug occasionally, but you are warned often to NOT do anything drastic to your hair while pregnant, because 9 times out of 10 it will be a VERY BAD IDEA.
And given the desire to try out things I know look bad on me (dark brown hair, etc), I'm taking that warning seriously.
Jess, you should *totally* get that cut.
Whenever I think of Daniel Day-Lewis, I think of his priggish character Cecil Vyse in A Room With a View. Which then makes me think "Mmmmm....Julian Sands...."
'Cause I'm suddenly hit with the Must!Change!Hair!Now! bug.
Yes, yes. I know it well as well. Hence red hair.
In general Plei, does your hair love pregnancy? Mine did.