Everyone above me was posting these incredibly high scores, and I started to think... huh.
Everyone here is wicked smaht. But no one else is married to Tom, so I take my comfort in that. I was smart enough to get that dude cooking for me every night and every morning. For life!
But no one else is married to Tom, so I take my comfort in that. I was smart enough to get that dude cooking for me every night and every morning. For life!
It's a shame there's no market out there that would let me trade my SAT scores for a Tom.
I took the ACT, being west of the Mississippi and not the sort of person whose skills are often reflected well by standardized tests. They weren't that good, although the stratospheric verbal did make colleges send me stuff for a while.
Shoot, I'd TOTALLY trade the SAT scores for a Tom. Or, well, a Thomasina. :)
Mw, too meara. But I would take either/or.
Somehow, I had imagined a sound designer to be much more MATHY!
That's the part that makes me chuckle now. I actually do need a fair amount of math for the work that I do now.
I turns out I'm pretty well balanced left brain/right brain wise which I think is part of the reason I can excel in my field. I can do all of the artistic work, and the script analysis and the design work, and then seamlessly switch gears and do the tech head stuff to make all of the arty stuff sound great. I think it's also why this career is so fufulling for me, it really pulls at both sides of me.
I cried in math class, frequently; math made me cry anywhere and everywhere, except on multiple-choice aptitude tests
So. Completely. Me.
I'm firmly convinced that the only reason I passed my Trig class senior year was because I cried. And well, I had pneumonia. And I was the class award getter and failing at the last minute would have made the Superintendent's speech about how scholarly, leadershippy and citizenshippy I was kinda ring like tin.
Aaaa. It's all political.
I think it's also why this career is so fufulling for me, it really pulls at both sides of me.
As a costume construction persn, I laugh at non-MATHy me doing all sorts of fraction calculation in my head. It turns out i CAn do it if it really matters.
I'm pleased to report that my furnace is finally really fixed. They didn't show up until 7:45, but it only took them about a half hour. Whew.
P-C, in response to the cancellation of DLM, we canceled Showtime. So hah! Then we ordered DVR, because we couldn't imagine the cable bill being...you know...cheaper.
Speaking of working appliances.
Remember my dead mouse in the kitchen wall story?
Another mouse climbed into the fridge motor and stopped it cold. No pun intended. I had to schlep all my food downstairs to the liquor store coolers.
But the fella who came to fix the fridge seemed competant, so I mentioned that, for 6 years, my stove has been zapping me every time I touch it with wet hands. (who needs a defib? come on over for supper!)
He did some tinkering, discovered a defective ground, fixed it and now, for the very first time, the clock, timer and clean function...well...functions!
It's like a little holiday miracle. (except for the dead mouse parts, may they rest in peace and not stink anymore.)
t /easily pleased
eta: congrats Deena. I share your joy.