I had 760 verbal and 790 math, I think.
From what I've been reading about the new SATs, they're pretty much abandoning the whole "This test will test how well you'll do in college" line, since it's pretty obvious by now that that's garbage, and are now making it more of a test of stuff that's actually in the standard high school curriculum.
800 Math, 730 Verbal. Since everyone else is doing it.
In seventh grade, I forget the breakdown, but it was something like a 1070 or something.
Sophia, I've had 2 courses of ECT. It's not all it's cracked up to be. I'm glad you've been able to avoid it.
It is very much different now from what my gradpa had in the 40's and othe family members in the 30's though. I'm really glad that the phamacological alternatives that were unavailable to my beloved grandpa and others work for me I know I am lucky!
Also, PC is smart. He beat my 990 from 7th grade (In 1987, so before the "change"). I remember I was SO embarreased to have sone so well that I had to go to Syracuse for an awards ceremony. I wore this really silly turtleneck shaker sweater dress with aa belt with a BOW in tthe fonrt, as was par for the late 80's. Abd I met some really nice people and felt stupid for being embarrassed to have to go along with the REALLY geeky boy who also got an award!
Also, PC is smart. He beat my 990 from 7th grade
Our eventual valedictorian (I was perenially #2) got a 1310. Rat bastard.
Rat bastard.
Yeah, and what's he doing now, huh? Is he hanging out with an international community of hot women and the guys who love them?
What was the scoring change? I graduated high school in '85, so I predate it.
Yeah, and what's he doing now, huh? Is he hanging out with an international community of hot women and the guys who love them?
I don't even know. He went to MIT and did computer stuff, and I think he was going to do some business stuff, but I haven't talked to him in a while. We'll just say he's pumping gas.
My gelato maker and I give Alton the finger.
Oh, I'm sure you can multi-task a gelato maker.
Cryogenics in small batches, for instance.
Also probably handy for freezing your own sperm donations.
The possibilities are endless.
sorry, just caught up on the fisting sling discussion and needed to get something in, if only out of revenge
In seventh grade, I forget the breakdown, but it was something like a 1070 or something.
I love that P-C had the same total as my 7th grade boy. Perhaps there is hope yet.
I didn't take the SAT. 60's blah blah. Wasn't into it. I test well so it probably would have been ok.