I'm having homemade hot chocolate mix issues.
Got Nonfat Instant Dry Milk, which dissolves best in cold water, cocoa which dissolves best in hot water, and artificial sweeteners which seem to taste better when added after the heating and before the drinking. So I figured, combine powdered milk and cold water in microwave-friendly mug; heat cocoa, No-Salt (for the potassium) and a bit of water til it gets all melty and combiney, then heat milk and add cocoa paste/syrup and sweeteners.
Gotta say, this worked better than when I used to put all the dry ingredients in a ziplock bag and shake it to mix it up, then add the appropriate amount to a mugful of hot water. The powdered milk form weird clumps. This was quite smooth other than a few beads of undissolved cocoa in the bottom of the cup.
But egads! what a mess. Martha Steward could cut a deal to get out early - time served at hard labor - if she'd volunteer to clean my kitchen right now.