The site Jessica linked to reminded me of my meeting today. My client wants a demo site that will show the features of his new web product. Except, when we met today, he kept saying, "but can't you make it do x? and y? All things his current website already does. So, if he wants to demo the actual product, why doesn't he just do that? Since I'm getting to learn new things and being paid for it, though, I'm not really complaining.
Sail, if you're sharing and it's no trouble, I'd really love to have a copy of the Deb glorification project.
As for the cost issue, I have spent as much as $125 on a dress, and would spend up to 150 if I had it and really wanted the dress. Shoes I mostly buy at payless or target when my feet are getting naked. Bags... I keep buying them (cheap ones), but mostly I stuff my wallet in my pocket and go. I'm enamoured of the eye-bleed pink bag, though. I need more pink in my life. Everything is green right now.
I went to the doctor today since my arms and hands have been going numb anytime I do much of anything. It turns out I'm suffering from "soft tissue impingement" pretty much all over my back, but mostly in my neck and shoulders. Basically, my muscles are too tight and they're pinching many nerves. No joint or disk damage anywhere, thankfully. I have to go to physical therapy 2x a week for a bit and take a new medication that I haven't yet googled, but that is supposed to "decrease irritability" and help me sleep.
Lilty, I hope you get the job if it's the right one for you.
P-C, lovely start to the Grand Adventure.
There may have been more, but it's gone in a fog of sleepiness.
Deena, I will have new stuff for the thing to send you by Sunday.
(((Deena))) I shall send over Hans the Masseuse. No more pinchiness to you!
Deena, I hope the therapy and new medication help.
If anyone else wants me to make them a copy of the Deb show, profile addy is good.
The bathtub is clean. Hence, I must live up to my deal with myself and use my first evah Lush bath bomb. Huzzah! (So, should one last one bath, or do you like fish it out and use it a few times? Help a bathbomb virgin out!)
Lilty, they dissolve pretty quickly -- they're meant for 1 bath. Lush virgin! Tee hee!
So, should one last one bath, or do you like fish it out and use it a few times? Help a bathbomb virgin out!
One should last one bath. I know some people who cut them in half and use it for two baths that way, but it depends on the size of your tub and how strong you want the smell and how strong that particular one is to begin with. Because of the way it dissolves, you can't really fish it out once it's gotten wet.
If you have a sparkly one, you might want to start with halfsies. They're intense.
You can either use the whole thing, Lilty, or cut it in half and use half at a time. For a Lush virgin, though, you should really use the whole thing the first time. You can't fish it out. Once it's wet, it's gone. I'll return Hans when I'm finished with him -- 2006, 2010.. not too long.
Ginger, did I make a mistake? Was it you who offered? Cuz, that would rock too. The new meds (elavil) seem to be making me sleepy dopey, which I suppose is good. This is my first dose, so Greg thinks it's the placebo effect. Either that or the pizza fight the babies had at dinner confused me and made me take two of my muscle relaxer.
Kristin, you gorgeous creature, the things I'm learning and re-learning for the current client are going to make things so much easier.