Why must you stay awake, Deb?
I wouldn't carry a bag bought with $500 of someone else money because--well, then people might think I was the kind of person who would spend $500 on a bag. And all my Puritan ancestors are screaming in outrage at the concept.
Unless it was something I had to carry for work or something and everyone knew it.
I want the kind of job that requires me to carry a $500 fabulous pink bag.
Not if it involves Mary Kay, though.
can understand slightly over $100, as that's the mark where you start to get really well made purses that last more than a year
This I can understand. Something that looks pretty cool, can carry a lot of junk, and lasts.
Naturtint! Whole Foods usually has it.
Hmmm...wondering if I can fit a trip to Whole Foods into my day. I suspect I can't, but I sure might try!
This I can understand. Something that looks pretty cool, can carry a lot of junk, and lasts.
Well, I go for small purses so as to break myself of the "EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD SHALL BE IN THIS PURSE!!!1!" habit I used to have. I think for purses that actually hold a lot of stuff, the price point winds up about $50-75 higher new. They're totally worth it for the sake of materials and construction alone, mind.
I am, as I said, hell on purses. Their little bottoms get scuffed, and their straps get twisted. Cheap bags will fall apart on me in a heartbeat. I'm the reason I'm not allowed to have nice bags.
I'd pay $500 for a bag if I had the money, at least if it were one that was really well made and going to last forever.
I would love to be on What Not to Wear --- I could do with $5000 worth of clothes and I would love love love to have their stylist do my hair.
I would take a five hundred dollar purse from a multi-gajillion dollar corporation in a heartbeat, and then I'd never use it, because it would look out of place with my sneakers, or Famous Footwear Outlet boots which have seen better days.
Ooh, I'm jealous. I want. I also want an Arwen pendant. (also a geek)
They did a really nice job on the jewelry. I bought an Arwen pendant for a friend. It is gorgeous.
I hope Deb appreciates that we sat through Reagan-adulation for her. I mean, it was totally worth it, but still!
Presents make me nervous. I get performance anxiety about opening gifts, which dampens my enthusiasm, which makes it a self-fulfilling prophecy. I'm sure I'll love it, but I hope everyone will forgive me if I freeze up.