Ooh, eee! That would be cool.
Good. The only thing I need to find out is what weekend my family wants to do birthday dinners. My brother is the 19th and my daughter is the 31st, so at least one of those weekends isn't going to be feasible. My best option is Feb. 4th-6th, but that's not to say there isn't some flexibility about that if it's not good for other people.
(And a belated happy birthday to MM!)
From me, too!!!
Damn, I missed MM's birthday.
Ooh, eee! That would be cool. I know beathen and shrift were also talking of converging, and DebetEsse as well, though I don't know when. We could have a big party thing where I don't get any work done.
I might could make it up for an evening, depending on when the convergence happens.
I might could make it up for an evening, depending on when the convergence happens.
This is turning into a bona fide F2F. Perhaps we should hijack the thread for a while.
Fatherhood is what let me get 10 hour of sleep last night.
Remember to take lots of pictures you upper mid-west F2Fers
My 55yo sister has fuscia tips in her blond hair. Whee!
Why do I always sit down and watch when my roomate has Extreme Makeover: Home Edition on? And why do I always cry like a little bitch?!? Make it stop!!
Lee, insent.
Aimee -- good on you for parenting an infant and sleeping. Not a sure bet, by any means.
welcome back, P-C!!
I have skimmed thousands of posts from both natter and bitches and feel like my eyes may, indeed, fall out of my head. i never want to wait that long again to scroll.
oh and Lilty? i'm watch Extreme Home Makeover and crying like a big baby too. i love this show. makes you wonder if Ty is really this nice...