In spite of the incessant rain/sleet mixture outside, I managed to take some fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies to a friend who was feeling down, go to the library to pick up some books, the video store to exchange an x-box game, Target to pick up sundries, Wal-mart to pick up some soda, formula, diapers and fresh fruit and make it home to make a spaghetti dinner.
But I never did manage to kick the sinus headache. Feh.
The boy's asleep, DH went into the office to catch up on some work and Ima curl up with a good book about the Salem Witch Trials with a very large mug of tea.
continued {{{{{hugs}}}}} for Cass.
My mother NEVER remembered my name when yelling at me. She went through the list of sibs before she got to me. She finally gave up and just yelled "YOU" when she wanted to get her point across.
From a friend, Quote of the day:
"Get some devastation in the back."
-- Sen. Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN), quoted by the AP, to a staff photographer taking a picture of him before leaving tsunami-stricken southern Sri Lanka. January 07, 2005
GC, any chance you are still around? I sent you some email to the address you use for the Laistas list.
My mother NEVER remembered my name when yelling at me. She went through the list of sibs before she got to me. She finally gave up and just yelled "YOU" when she wanted to get her point across.
Yeah, I even got called by some of my aunt's names before she'd get to mine. Hazard of being the youngest child I guess.
I never mistake either of my kids for the other, but I have the annoying persistance in switching my son's and my nephew's names around. I'm not quite sure why. Except they both have ADHD, so I think somehow by brain thinks they're interchangeable when, not.
SailAweigh, feel like one rematch game?
I'm playing a game with Nicole and sj right now. In a half hour or so?
Depends what time it is. I need to head out a little before 8:00. Where are you? Maybe I will come watch.
Ahem. I asked about Literati 90 minutes ago.
{{{{{{{{{{{{Cass}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Lots of glitter and lots of soothing tea for you.
I cannot even say how amused I am that I have shippers.